
It’s discouraging to look out the window and notice that the sky is nearly identical in colour to the ceiling tiles. I am 2.2lbs smaller than I was this time last week. I plan to counter that with a combination of girls’ night tonight, and turkey on Sunday. The turkey plan may fail, since I’m … Continue reading Tidbits


I am possessed. Someone gave me a points calculator yesterday, and I have become totally and utterly obsessed with calculating the points value of everything. Every. Single. Item. Of. Food. Ever. (Disclaimer: Hi, boys? Still cute over here! Not Elephant! Don’t be fooled by the “diet”! Hot boots still need hot date!) So yah. I … Continue reading Obsession


Man, I feel like an utter shit for never really believing people when they claim to be totally debilitated by migraines. My 2nd one ever knocked me completely on my ass for most of the day today. The throbbing, the feeling that my eyes were bleeding, the stabbing light sensitivity, the unrelenting nausea. It’s not … Continue reading Tool


I forgot that, even when you’re sick and wearing sweats, when your nose is red and swolen from blowing it every 5 minutes, wearing some fabulous underwear can still make you feel hot. That said, I still feel like ass on a stick. Hot ass, but ass none the less. Continue reading Reminder

Which Way..

Is it “Feed a Fever, Starve a Cold?” or does it go the other way around? Regardless, I have a horrible cold, and I want some chicken soup. Since my soup option is limited to whatever they carry at Save-On (it’s on my way home, and I’m not about to start cooking), what’s your favourite … Continue reading Which Way..

Feelin’ It

I am totally plugged in to the cosmic energy today. Probably due to the sunshine and the fact that I worked out yesterday for the first time in a month, but whatever works. What does this mean you ask? It means that if you have been wanting to harrass me about getting out and partying … Continue reading Feelin’ It