Twenty Questions

It’s fairly safe to say that when I resort to memes I am feeling awfully guilty about letting the blog lie dormant, but am somehow incapable of collecting my thoughts into anything that resembles a coherent post. Also, they’re kindof a guilty pleasure. So it works well on many guilt-fronts. I was raised Catholic, can … Continue reading Twenty Questions


Kimli’s trying to start a meme. And it’s Friday evening after a very long week, so a meme sounds like an excellent excercise in mindlessness. I am trying to INVENT A MEME! Actually, I needed to sort my iPhone music alphabetically and I was amused by all the “I ..” titles and I thought they … Continue reading I AM!

Who’s Who

A Meme is always a good way to break the doom & gloom, here’s one that’s been going around lately. Answers are about myself and Neil (as opposed to myself and a mystery lover or somesuch): What are your middle names? Mine are Norma Antoinette (after both my grandmothers), Neil’s are Robert Tyndale (after I … Continue reading Who’s Who

You Asked, I Answer

Answers to yesterday’s questions: From wave tickler: If you could live your life again, what one thing would you do differently (and saying “I’d do nothing differently” is not an option). Phew, starting off with a doozie. There isn’t really one big thing, but there are certainly a staggering number of small instances where I … Continue reading You Asked, I Answer

I’m it, again!

Apparently my feeble attempt at revealing ten whole things (when I was asked for 25) wasn’t up to snuff. I’ve been tagged again by Jen to offer up seven more! But I am still struggling to figure out exactly what you people want to know about me, so I’m going to flip this – I’m … Continue reading I’m it, again!

Twenty Five Things

I have been tagged by both Sue and Kimli to offer up twenty-five random things about myself that you probably don’t know. I can’t actually think of 25 whole things, and have spent the last couple days struggling to come up with just 10. So you get those. I am also supposed to tag 25 … Continue reading Twenty Five Things

One Word

Because I am surrounded by boxes that are not full yet, you get a meme (From Colleen): Here are the ground rules for the newbies: 1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your comment. 2. Change my one-word responses with yours (ONE WORD, even if it kills you). 3. Submit your … Continue reading One Word

Thursday Thirteen

Because I’m feeling random like that 1. I don’t know if it was the full moon or what, but the dog decided last night that bedtime was a great time to go apeshit, and she tore around the bedroom at full speed, pausing only do to her crazy doggie doofus dance (picture bouncing repeatedly up … Continue reading Thursday Thirteen


Tagged by Raspberry, I present: Eight things you (probably) don’t know about me 1. I don’t like Cilantro. But I eat it anyway, because it’s mostly impossible to have Mexican food without it. 2. I don’t actually work better under pressure – I’m just such a procrastinator that I’m used to doing it and have … Continue reading Octopussy


Aye Carumba! I’ve been tagged! Four jobs you have had in your life: 1. McChick 2. Purveyor of Incorrect Directions 3. Corporate Whore 4. Student (aka Professional Slacker) Four movies you would watch over and over again: 1. Natural Born Killers 2. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 3. The Sound of Music 4. Top … Continue reading For-Four

Year in Review

What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before? I acquired this wee domain early in 2005 – I’d never owned one of my very own before. I also learned how to Row this year. Other than that, I spent a lot of the year rediscovering some passions I hadn’t been spending enough … Continue reading Year in Review

Title & Registration

It’s a meme! Now with 98% more Angst! I’m not actually this dark – but the music I chose is. Just go with it. Bands // Song Titles Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: Nine Inch Nails Are you female or male:: La Mer Describe yourself:: The Perfect … Continue reading Title & Registration


*Thanks to for this one! Go to, and do a search on the most popular 100 songs from the year you graduated high school. (You can do this by searching on the year you graduated). Bold the ones you actually like. (Understand that the word “like” in this case means, at the very … Continue reading Audiophile

25 things

Stolen from Hessie 01. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what’s the first thing you look at? my eyes 02. How much cash do you have on you? $19.34 03. What’s a word that rhymes with “TEST”? nest 04. Favorite plant? bamboo 05. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list … Continue reading 25 things