Concert Buddy?

In an effort to thwart the last-minute finding of a fellow concert attendee, I figured I’d put it out there that I’m still open to finding someone to go with me to the following shows: Nine Inch Nails with Queens of the Stone Age, Pacific Coliseum, Monday September 26th – $90/ticket Green Day with Jimmy … Continue reading Concert Buddy?


Last weekend I made a run for the border, quite literally, and took a last-minute trip down to Bellingham to stock up on some goods I can only obtain in America. Even though the countries are practically kissing cousins, according to the American-but-Permanent-Canadian-Resident friend I went with, I was SO OBVIOUSLY CANADIAN that I may … Continue reading North/South

Bottles & Bangers

I went to a wine tasting last night (oh god, I’m becoming one of those people) and just wanted to do a little brain dump on some of the notables: Stickleback White (Semillon, Chardonnay, Verdelho): it’s being marketed as “Fresh Crisp Zesty” and that’s exactly what this wine is. Stands up well to extreme chilling, … Continue reading Bottles & Bangers


54-40 T-Shirt Originally uploaded by peechie. At the Spelunking Club, there are a number of private events that take place. Last night there was a “win to get in” concert and wine tasting sponsored by one of the local radio stations, and 54-40 were the feature entertainment. Of course, I didn’t win to get in … Continue reading Perk


I was going to spend most of the evening putting together a really great photo entry documenting everything I did between Saturday and today, including new tires, new shoes, a great dinner, good friends, good wine, a picnic, a cat, a nap, a seal, and new books. But my camera battery died. So you get … Continue reading Dead

Wedding Bells

While I’m not ready to say that it sucks being single (because HELLO! It’s kinda fabulous!), occasionally it’s inconvenient. One of those inconveniences is attending weddings. I’ve got an RSVP card for myself and “guest” that I need to get back to the betrothed in a week. Do I bother with a guest? Even though … Continue reading Wedding Bells


Coming back from lunch today, we ended up taking a wee detour past Second Beach Pool. Sadly, we didn’t stop to go for a swim… but it was mighty tempting. Now it’s all I can think about. So tomorrow after work, I figure I’ll hit either Second Beach Pool or Kits Pool. Who’s with me?!?!? … Continue reading Dip


For someone who is so Type A, I strangely hate making appointments. Sure, I can make plans – and usually do (the volume of places to be and people to see on my calendar is enough to frighten most people). However, appointments? Hate them. Mostly (I think) because I’m at the mercy of someone else’s … Continue reading Appointed


Starting tomorrow, I’ll be off for 2.5 weeks, housesitting for dearheart and her fiancee while they zip halfway around the world so she can suck up to her future mother-in-law (kidding! I’m sure there’s no sucking up necessary!). Although I won’t be far from home, I don’t plan on returning to my apartment to replenish … Continue reading Procrastinatrix

Safety Girl

I put 200kms on the new car today. I am drunk on mobility. It’s amazing how small the city just got. It was quite fun to show up at the home of the parental units randomly. They live about 70kms away, so they were very surprised when I showed up without warning. They were obviously … Continue reading Safety Girl


Quick note to say I just… just got in from the monthly Vancouver Webloggers Meetup. And I couldn’t wait to blog about it. How sad is that. But I digress… It was really great to catch up with Jamie and get to know him a bit better, as well as finally meet Matt. And engage … Continue reading Meat-Space


Can I please have another weekend to recover from my long weekend? It’s honestly all a bit of a blur. At one of the (far too many) BBQs I attended, there was a talking bottle opener – and I heard the following many, many, many times. I think it sums up the weekend nicely: (Homer) … Continue reading Theme