O Cana-duh

Canadian Flag at Base Camp Originally uploaded by peechie. Yesterday we took a tour into the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) and the JSA (Joint Security Area) between North and South Korea. It was absolutely stunning and amazing to see in person what I’d only before read about (half-heartedly at that) in history books. It’s tough to … Continue reading O Cana-duh


reverse cameltoe Originally uploaded by peechie. So there are a bunch of great pictures up on flickr of the trip so far. But the one I really feel the need to share here is this. Will someone please explain to me how camel toe happens in the back? Is it an ethnic thing? (haha… low … Continue reading How?

Highlights so far…

on the subway. Originally uploaded by peechie. Seoul is an absolute blast so far. The entire city seems a bit surreal, shrouded in a blanket of haze, a mix of smog and “yellow dust” which is sand particles blowing in from the Mongolian desert. The people are incredibly friendly. So much so that if you … Continue reading Highlights so far…

Arriba Arriba!

For all the locals who didn’t know: I’m hosting a Cinco de Mayo party on Friday. If you can read this, you’re invited, and you should comment or email me for the details if you want to pop by. This is really and truly an open invitation – so far about 35 people have RSVP’d, … Continue reading Arriba Arriba!

Talking Head

Some of you may remember I was contemplating getting a tattoo while on vacation. It didn’t actually happen, but it came damned close! I was perusing the Miami Ink website, and lo and behold, they had an open call for applications to be tattooed on the show! So, with the help of Mel and Jen, … Continue reading Talking Head


Time Zones man. Total Buzzkill. So I made it home, safe and sound, though I have decided that I LOATHE both Miami International and Pearson International airports. And the free Rum Punch on Cayman Airways is something all airlines should aspire to offer. So I arrived in Vancouver at about 10pm last night (which is … Continue reading Sprung

Step by Step (oh baby)

Step 1 (we can have lots of fun… ok – I’ll stop now….)

1. Arrive on a trpoical island, exhausted and beaten down by airport asshattery and airplane air, grab a beer and head straight for the beach to watch the sunset. Say “screw the camera” because there will be more of them to photograph. Eat dinner, watch hockey streamed from Sportnet (hooray for slingbox) and fall alseep before the end of the first period.

2. Bake in the sun all morning. Take lunch break. Go shopping all afternoon. Burn. Oops. Return with large bottle of aloe and hide from the sun for the rest of the afternoon. Drinks at bar across the street. Sleep.

3. Bake in the sun all morning again (with liberally applied sunscreen this time). Lunchbreak. Realize that leaving the island tomorrow sounds like the least fun ever, and spending 2 days in Miami alone isn’t sounding so hot either. Contact airline and extend trip by 52 hours.

Steps to come: A sunset horseback ride tonight, diving tomorrow, and hopefully trips out to stingray city, hell, and the turtle farm. Frankly, my hometown peeps are lucky I’m coming home at all.
Continue reading “Step by Step (oh baby)”

don’t hate me yet…

A list of things I am rapidly discovering I’m not a fan of: -19 hour days, followed by 4 hours of fitful airplane sleep. -Airports, specifically Pearson, on so many levels. We have it SO GOOD at YVR. -Other people’s children. -Bell Internet kiosks. -Having to strip down (not all the way thankfully) to clear … Continue reading don’t hate me yet…