One Month

It’s hard to believe time’s gone by so quickly, but little Isaac is one month old today! Everyone says “they grow up so fast” but it’s really true. He’s already so different from the baby he started out as. And speaking of the baby he started as, I’ve finally managed to write down his birth … Continue reading One Month

So Far

So Good. The only problem so far (for the blogging anyhow) is that between rounds of baby-wrangling I have time to either have thoughts, OR record them, but very rarely both. There are pictures though! And lots more on Flickr. Thank Neil, he’s been doing most of the uploading. Enjoy them, and hopefully I’ll become … Continue reading So Far

One Week

A week ago today I was starting off what was supposed to be my last week of work. I had just hit Inbox Zero, and was down to one last big thing on my to-do list for the week. Other than that, I figured I’d pitch in with whatever small tasks I could, get in … Continue reading One Week


We have already covered the fact that I’m scared of crafts. I suppose “scared” isn’t the right word – but I just don’t have the inclination (and therefore don’t make the time) to bother learning how to knit and crochet and sew. And never has it been more obvious that I am un-crafty when I’m … Continue reading Made!

One Month

Today marks the beginning of the one-month countdown until I plan to go on Maternity leave from work. This still terrifies me. It’s plainly obvious that my career (along with life in general) from here on out will never be the same. What it will be like post-kid, nobody can say, and I, like anyone, … Continue reading One Month

Two Thirds!

I’ve officially made it to the third trimester! We’re in the home stretch, which is alternately awesome and terrifying. In fewer than 100 days, we will have a tiny human (definitely of the boy variety, as an update to that last post) of our very own. There’s a well-established saying that the 2nd trimester is … Continue reading Two Thirds!


If we’re friends on Facebook, you may recall me mentioning about a month ago that we think we’re having a boy. I say “think” because the ultrasound tech wouldn’t tell us. The Vancouver-Coastal health authority has a policy that they do not tell expectant parents the sex of their fetus until 20+ weeks of gestation. … Continue reading Sex-y

Leaky, the TMI Post

(Heed the title. This deals with bodily fluids. You have been warned!) I think the hardest thing about being pregnant has been how obvious it makes the lack of control we have over what happens in our own bodies. I’m not talking about the things we can do that impact how our bodies will react, … Continue reading Leaky, the TMI Post


As of this writing, I’m 20 weeks, 2 days pregnant. This means I’m a smidge over halfway through the official medically-designated pregnancy length of 40 weeks. Where oh where did the time go. Observations up to this point: I strongly dislike being pregnant. I’m still looking forward to the end result, but I am decidedly … Continue reading Halfway!

Onward, Upward

Well. That was unpleasant. For those keeping track at home, I’m now a hair over 13 weeks pregnant, and feeling decidedly more human. I’m still quite pathetic in the energy department, sleeping anywhere between 10-12 hours/night and have some pretty awful food aversions. But it’s definitely been a slow, steady climb back up to feeling … Continue reading Onward, Upward

On Hold

So here’s the thing. I’m sick. I’m one of the lucky people with whom pregnancy does NOT agree, and as a result, I am miserable. I am only half-joking when I say if I’d known it was going to be this bad, I’d have gone for a ready-made instead of bake-your-own. Everyone I’ve encountered in … Continue reading On Hold