
I am the easiest, and the hardest person to buy gifts for. I like receiving practical gifts. I will give those who request it a detailed list of what I want, including brand names, stores you can find them at, and approximate cost. People rarely like to buy me the practical gifts. Practical gifts are … Continue reading Gifty

Tire Biter?

This one’s for the boys. Hear that boys? I have a problem! This is where you solve it in the comments! Isn’t that what your species does when us wimmens complain? Ok, hop to it… In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a girl. The other thing you may not have noticed is that I like … Continue reading Tire Biter?

Haircut Entry

November hair Originally uploaded by peechie. In lieu of actual content, I bring you my latest and greatest hair creation. Well, not my creation – I pay someone else exhorbitant amounts to create my coif. Still, I’m diggin on it. Also, my stylist (Lisa @ AXIS) keeps handing me cards for 50% off a cut … Continue reading Haircut Entry


I woke up a couple days ago with a headache that would. not. leave. I figured it was just because I’d dehydrated myself partying a little too hard or something – what with the hockey games and concerts and work and rowing and bad weather and not going outside and yadda yadda yadda. I figured … Continue reading Pre-View

With Room

I am a morning person. Sortof. I do love being up early, making coffee, watching the world start to wake up around me. In fact, I strongly believe that a road trip isn’t a road trip unless it begins before sunrise. I only wish I could actually FUNCTION in the mornings I love so much. … Continue reading With Room

Imagery: Redux

Remember a while back when I asked readers to comment regarding images they thought of when they saw the word “Indepencence”? I was fishing for ideas that struck me as unique, useful, or interesting for a tattoo. I’ve been specifically trying to think about something that would go with a Lion image, or any of … Continue reading Imagery: Redux

The Reason

If the TiVo post didn’t tip you off, I have an unhealthy relationship with TV. I watch a LOT of it. Case in point: My Sunday Night Lineup. 5:00pm – 6:00pm West Wing (Eastern Broadcast) 6:00pm – 7:00pm Desperate Housewives (Eastern Broadcast) 7:00pm – 8:00pm Law & Order CI 8:00pm – 9:00pm Cold Case 9:00pm … Continue reading The Reason

Wedding Bells

While I’m not ready to say that it sucks being single (because HELLO! It’s kinda fabulous!), occasionally it’s inconvenient. One of those inconveniences is attending weddings. I’ve got an RSVP card for myself and “guest” that I need to get back to the betrothed in a week. Do I bother with a guest? Even though … Continue reading Wedding Bells

Fashion Police

To Pleat, or Not to Pleat. That is the Question! Here’s the answer: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, NO! Ok, so the answer is a bit more complicated than that. The wearing of pleats by men (because women should really never wear pleated pants, period!) is a tricky art that should only be … Continue reading Fashion Police

Me Time

Holy crap, I am crazy amounts of busy these days. Seems like I’m not the only one though. I just made a dinner date with a friend, and we had to make it for nearly two weeks away! Sheesh. I don’t really mind it though, having things to do and people to see makes me … Continue reading Me Time

Release the Hounds

I am not the most well endowed girl in the world. In fact, I am a card-carrying memeber of the IBTC. It used to bother me. A lot. Thankfully, growing up has also come with a healthy dose of body confidence. I now don’t give a damn about my breasts, or lack thereof. And thanks … Continue reading Release the Hounds


One of the more prevalent fitness questions I get asked is how I manage to maintain the “Ass that Doesn’t Quit.” A lot of it is just plain good genetics, but a big part of it is that I almost always take the stairs. Usually I don’t mind the stairs, a lot of the time … Continue reading Chillin’

Safety Girl

I put 200kms on the new car today. I am drunk on mobility. It’s amazing how small the city just got. It was quite fun to show up at the home of the parental units randomly. They live about 70kms away, so they were very surprised when I showed up without warning. They were obviously … Continue reading Safety Girl