Losers, weepers

We are the finders, but I’m trying to figure out how to not be a keeper. Neil found what looks very much like an engagement ring on the sidewalk Monday afternoon. I know if I ever lost something that important to me, I’d really want someone to try to get it back to its rightful … Continue reading Losers, weepers

Oh, Hi there!

Yes, I’m still here. Just a bit useless at blogging. I don’t know why I think I can manage to crank out posts when I’m traveling – I don’t even get much sleep when I’m on the road, let alone quality computer time that isn’t taken up with, you know, work. (And blackjack, which is … Continue reading Oh, Hi there!

Wishes for Monday

I wish… …I were brave enough to wear fascinators …my actions more closely mirrored my thoughts …I had more patience …I’d known about iTunes radio sooner! …I’d eaten something other than brownies & coleslaw (not at the same time) for dinner last night …you were here …I’d packed a lunch for today …the weather would … Continue reading Wishes for Monday

Best Intentions

Things I meant to do last night: -Laundry -Change bedsheets -Write strata council treasurer’s report -Upload pictures of closet (so I can finally blog about it) and cool fire dancing photos -backup blog so I can upgrade wordpress Things I did instead: -Watch TV -Bake cookies -Go to bed early Perhaps today will be better. Continue reading Best Intentions

Weekend by the Numbers

Meals eaten involving BBQ’d meat: 5 Times I had cheesecake for breakfast: 1 Hours spent cleaning our apartment top to bottom: 5 BBQs hosted: 1 BBQs attended: 2 People crammed into my apartment at once: 15 Degrees it reached in my living room while 15 people were crammed into it: 30 C (that’s 86 F) … Continue reading Weekend by the Numbers

Getting Things Done

In the past couple months, I’ve reached critical mass of “things” in my life. There are a lot of balls in the air (without sign of lessening that load any time soon – more likely increasing it), and I am at serious risk of dropping even more of them. Since we came back from the … Continue reading Getting Things Done

Get Whitey

I started writing a general update-slash-stream of consciousness post, but I was boring myself (so can’t imagine what anyone who might read it would think). So I deleted it and decided random short paragraphs would be better. ******** The title of this post has nothing to do with anything, except the fact that I have … Continue reading Get Whitey

About Face

I was all set to write a ridiculously upbeat post about how excited I am about our upcoming wedding, rambling on about all the little details that are coming together and confessing my complete and utter surrender to being one of those overly giddy and completely wedding obsessed brides to be. But I’m just not … Continue reading About Face

Picture Pages

Neil and I were planning on taking an impromptu vacation over the Christmas break, partly to try and avoid being home to see if we could postpone closing on our new place until after the GST goes down on January 1st, and partly because we’re sad we won’t be in our new home for Christmas … Continue reading Picture Pages

Three Things

1. One Laptop Per Child. I’m so doing this. 2. Firebug. You don’t even understand how much easier this just made my life. 3. Movember. The month is half over – don’t forget to donate to your favourite Mo’ Bro! Continue reading Three Things