
Do you (bloggers) ever get to that point where you realize you haven’t written for a while, and you want to, but because it’s been so long you have no idea where to start – you want to apologize for not writing because it has been so long, but you’re not actually sorry because you … Continue reading Catch-all

Mondays on a Tuesday

Sitting at my desk, drinking coffee, chatting with colleagues about the long weekend past, and getting my workflow in order. I feel proud that I managed to shake off a poor night’s sleep and get in to work without incident. I smile at myself, take another sip of coffee, and run my tongue over my … Continue reading Mondays on a Tuesday

Ow, my aching wallet!

Camping Gear Originally uploaded by peechie. In anticipation of our upcoming canoe/camping trip, Neil and I went out this past weekend to stock up on supplies. We’ve both done our fair-share of camping, though it’s all been car-camping – the backpacking thing is pretty new to us. Of course, that meant we have gotten away … Continue reading Ow, my aching wallet!

Midday Confession

After my Food Network rant the other day, I must make a confession. I use a lot of disposable plastics in the kitchen. I do use a lot of plastic and glass re-usable containers, but I’m also guilty of using a great deal of zip-top bags and cling-film. Not to mention all the tinfoil, now … Continue reading Midday Confession


Someone was asking me yesterday about social networks. And what with the constant stream of emails and posts about facebook, twitter, et al, I figured I may as well chime in on my stance. No. Just no. My feelings on social networks and web 2.0 in general strongly mirror Derek’s, who said it so well, … Continue reading Anti-Social

My So-Called Life

Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives. ~Paulo Coelho It’s no secret … Continue reading My So-Called Life

Checking In

I keep meaning to write, but I really have nothing exciting or interesting to say. But I got sick of seeing the Fiber Bar entry, so here is a boring, uninteresting update. Read on if you dare… Because I have no kids, and don’t know too many people who do, I was completely oblivious to … Continue reading Checking In

I <3 U CRA

I always knew there was a reason I liked tax accountants. Neil was a bit… delinquent… in his taxes and hasn’t done his 2005 return yet. Considering the deadline for 2006 is now coming up, he sucked it up and called an accountant to deal with filing it all. He had some capital gains/losses and … Continue reading I <3 U CRA


I just wanted to interrupt your morning to gloat about the whole Daylight Savings thing. I think it’s AWESOME! Normally I’m a surly cow about the whole “losing an hour of sleep” thing – but that was before jetlag! Since we got back, I have NOT been able to sleep past 4:00 or 5:00am (including … Continue reading Spring!

Rub a Dub Dub

Today is a good day in my world. In fact, I’m in such a good mood, I’m going to do something completely uncharacteristic. Blog about cats! If you know me well enough, you know that usually the best thing I have to say about cats is that they “taste good with rice and teriyaki sauce.” … Continue reading Rub a Dub Dub

Why do you Blog?

Darren wants to know. I answered the survey, so should you! It’s going to be used in his pannel at this year’s Northern Voice conference, which I plan on attending this year – so answer, if only so I learn something new and entertaining about you during that particular timeslot. And if you don’t have … Continue reading Why do you Blog?