Kiss Kiss

This entry would be far better if I scanned some high school photos to accompany it. Instead you’ll have to just imagine, and hope I dig some out later. In my 1997/98 yearbook from Hope Secondary School, that from my graduating year, there is a single line entry from one of the guys in my … Continue reading Kiss Kiss


Work is currently devouring my soul. And all of my time. Instead of providing any real content I shall ask you, dear readers, to share your favourite way to de-stress. Ready? Go. Continue reading Kaboom

Could Do

As work gets busier, social events and obligations pile up, and I seem to have generally less time for everything – including sleep – I’ve decided that I need to take a page off of my friends Jen & Luke‘s fridge and abandon my “to do” list for a “could do” list. You know, all … Continue reading Could Do

Case of the Mondays

And I thought weekends were supposed to be RELAXING. Hah. Good things: -I managed to move most of the big furniture to the new place (yes, I moved – remind me to post more about that soon…). -I picked up some neat, and relatively easy revenue for work, and in turn made myself some cash … Continue reading Case of the Mondays

In Other News

I left work “early” today (early in the day, because it was about 1:00pm, late in the week because I was on day 6, hour 44 of my work week, with probably another couple hours tomorrow morning) so I could run a few errands and squeeze in a bit of studying. I am going to … Continue reading In Other News

Sound the Alarm!

As I was perusing the morning blogroll, I read something very disturbing on La Coquette’s latest post Discover Miami International Airport is not equipped with wireless internet. WHAT. THE. HELL. Am not amused. Any Miami-ites out there wanna direct me to some wireless internet in the damn city? And while you’re at it, is a … Continue reading Sound the Alarm!

Product Placement

You know, I’ve become familiar with some stuff not really working up to what I think its full potential should be. My digital camera is small, sturdy, and is capable of taking some great pictures. However, it doesn’t do close-ups well at all. I forgive it for that small transgression. My sunglasses occasionally hurt my … Continue reading Product Placement


I just found out that someone I didn’t know very well, but was hoping to get to know better after meeting her this past Christmas, left her life on earth behind this weekend for what I sincerely hope is a better place. It’s just a reminder babies, that life is a precious, fragile thing. Hold … Continue reading Gone

Food Fetish

Anyone who knows me, knows I appreciate good food. I do consider myself a bit of a foodie. Perhaps even a food snob. However, were other foodies to find out about some of my guilty pleasures, my status would be immediately cancelled, and I’d be ostracized for crimes against reasonable cuisine. I’m going to risk … Continue reading Food Fetish

Blinded me with Science!

An email exchange: From: Gill To: Jen Subject: news article of note Hey, In case you were going to get nervous doing that Northern Voice talk, here’s some advice: -gill ——————————– From: Jen To: Gill Awesome! That’s totally the kind of science I can get behind. Or underneath. Or on top of. Or… I’ll … Continue reading Blinded me with Science!