
A couple of totally unrelated things I just wanted to throw out there for the masses while I wait for the last five delurkers to show their faces so I can post the Very Special Entry. 1. If you have set your clock radio as your alarm, and you have it set to wake you … Continue reading Tidbits

delurking week

So it’s delurking week. This means, COMMENT! Say hi if you read this. I promise I don’t bite! Now I don’t expect something for nothing, so let’s say if I can get… 50 individual commentors to say hello on this entry, I’ll post something very special for all y’all. How’s that sound? Ok now, hop … Continue reading delurking week

Drip Drip Drop

Why is it that the first day my car’s outta commission and I can’t work from home so I have to take the peasant wagon (read: mass transit) to work it starts to rain and doens’t look like it’ll stop any time soon? Three point five more days until eleven off. P.S. I’m not actually … Continue reading Drip Drip Drop


I hate epic films. A list of movies I didn’t, and probably will never watch of my own volition: LOTR, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia. I just have no desire whatsoever to sit through 3 hours of special effects for a story I can’t be bothered to pay attention to the details of. Give me … Continue reading Confessional

Ask me no Questions

I’ll tell you no lies. Apparently despite the complete and utter drivel I’ve been passing off as content, people still read. And occasionally comment. But that’s it. I’ve run out of things to say for the moment. Nothing fun or exciting on the Homefront, Workfront, Carfront or Datingfront. I don’t even get a haircut for … Continue reading Ask me no Questions