
I don’t really have much of anything to say. I’ve been busy at work tying everything up before I make it a long weekend and scamper off to a wintry wonderland for some much needed R & R. This will mark the first time since June that I’ve spent more than 1 full day away … Continue reading Tidbit


Thank you my babies! You’re all lovely and wonderful and I know you’re all with me when it counts! Between a good cry, a good sleep, and all of your supportive comments and emails, I feel a frillion times better. I would like to give each of you kisses and diamonds and hundreds of hundred … Continue reading Buzzing


I just did something monumentally stupid. I told a friend that I love him. That Way Goodbye Friendship, Hello Rejection! I really don’t make a habit of doing this. While I’ll sometimes have revolving crushes on friends and acquaintances, they usually fade pretty quickly. I’ve never felt strongly enough about anyone to put a friendship … Continue reading Splat


What on earth will I ever do!?! The talented and charming Tony Pierce will be gracing our fine, fine city this weekend. He’s also been gracious enough to invite one and all to join him at the Granville Room this evening for a blogger/buzznetter meetup. On one side of the coin, I’m so excited that … Continue reading Dilemma


Happy Halloween! The only thing better than halloween is the day after, when all the candy will be half off at the stores. My weekend was insane. Thanks to Clamb & Heidi for having us over, and thanks to my body for staying vertical after rowing 8.5kms long enough to make it home and into … Continue reading Things

Condensed Soup

The biggest problem with having a life is that while I’m out living it, I start writing all of these fabulous blog posts in my head about what or whom I’m seeing or doing – then someone shoves a 4th or 5th drink in my direction, and I end up getting drunk, taking blurry pictures … Continue reading Condensed Soup


Temperatures that is. I broke last night, and wore pyjammas to bed just so I wouldn’t literally freeze my ass off while I was sleeping. Today, my pretty pink toenails are hidden underneath socks and runners for the first time since May-ish. I’m also wearing jeans and long sleeves. I even have the space-heater on … Continue reading Falling

Rock On

It will probably come as very little surprise to people, but I Row. This is not to be confused with dragonboating or kayaking or outrigger canoeing – those are all paddling sports. If you insist on disagreeing with me, I’m fully prepared to give you an intimate introduction to the differences in equipment. Anyway, I … Continue reading Rock On

Monday Joke

When your roommate wakes you up an hour before your alarm is set to go off on Monday morning, sometimes a laugh is the only thing standing between you, and the big kitchen knives…. —————————————————- An old Arab lives close to New York City. He would love to plant potatoes in his garden, but he … Continue reading Monday Joke


Here’s a game for all y’all at home. Play along if you wanna indulge me. I’m going to type a word, and you’re going to comment with the first image that comes into your head. Ready? The word is: independent. Now, if the first image you thought of relates to American symbolism, discard that idea, … Continue reading Imagery


Gosh darn it life has caught up with me all of the sudden. I don’t even have the energy to respond to email, let alone write blog posts. So here is a baby seal to entertain you. Oh, I also got a camera phone – so maybe there’ll be something entertaining in my flickr feed … Continue reading Splat