Friday Cuteness
EXTREME CUTENESS AHEAD! Cats in Sinks You’ve been warned. Continue reading Friday Cuteness
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
EXTREME CUTENESS AHEAD! Cats in Sinks You’ve been warned. Continue reading Friday Cuteness
It’s Friday night. I managed to get eleventy frillion loose ends tied up at work today. I got my hair done. I went swimming. I had drinks and dinner on a patio with friends. I am now watching TV, covered in cat. Success. Continue reading Mission Accomplished
Snippets of conversations* from the past few days: “Whoever invented pizza dips deserves a prize” “Totally. They deserve a blowjob.” “Or some really good face – really any oral sex at all” “For sure. With a finger up the ass” “With Extra lube.” ——————————– “Apparently I like it when you do that thing you do. … Continue reading It All Comes Back to (l)U(be)
As I watched highlights of the Space Shuttle Discovery launch this morning, my first thought was a pretty typical “how cool is this.” But my second thought was “You know, there’s gotta be more than a few people out there somewhere who think the shuttle is named ‘Discovery’ because it’s sponsored by the Discovery Channel.” … Continue reading Deep Thought
philosophy: how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. and, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word. grace. it’s how you accept … Continue reading amazing grace
Quick note to say I just… just got in from the monthly Vancouver Webloggers Meetup. And I couldn’t wait to blog about it. How sad is that. But I digress… It was really great to catch up with Jamie and get to know him a bit better, as well as finally meet Matt. And engage … Continue reading Meat-Space
I’m just taking a break from this very busy thing called life to remind you of something very important: It is exactly one week until my birthday. You may now commence preparations for extravagent gifting. Other than that, I’ve been working a lot, sleeping a lot and lusting over my car. She’s still at the … Continue reading Countdown
I just bought the car. Gasp. Details to follow. For now, I’m going to hyperventilate, then consume large quantities of alcohol. Continue reading Pedestrian
1. The Car is being inspected today. Please send her some good juju so I don’t have to feel guilty about buying her anyway if I find out something is terribly wrong (because I just can’t go through all of this again). 2. Despite the awkwardness in heels (because really, even real women have trouble … Continue reading Morning Observations
Rude Cactus mentioned he’d like to see some Monday Haikus in his comments. I’ve left one there, but thought I’d share it with everyone here as well: two short days away returning, what do i find? shit happened. uh oh. And now, in the spirit of the haiku, I must to and try to clean … Continue reading Monday Haiku
Watching these shorts was definitely 15 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. “Trapped” is a five-part musical soap opera about a guy who wakes up after a one-night stand and has to hide in the closet when the woman’s husband comes home. The song was designed to be released bit by bit as … Continue reading Trapped in the Closet
And here it is… my last day at the unrewarding cube-farm. For those who were wondering, my better judgement won out this morning, and the kahlua stayed home. And now I bring to you, the LAST DAY OF THIS DAMN JOB RANDOM 10! Lots of repeats from the last couple weeks I’m sure, because I … Continue reading I’m Outta Here Random 10
After days of hearing the hype, I just watched the Paris Hilton Carl’s Jr. commercial. Meh. For those not in the know, the commercial consists of Paris in a Bikini, washing a Bentley and chowing on a Carl’s Jr. burger of some sort. She’s a pretty girl and all, but falls far short of that … Continue reading That’s Hot
Thanks to Josh for reminding me in the last entry’s comments that I still need to announce the winner of the “What should I call my Job” contest. And the winner is….. Josh himself! How can I say no to spelunking?!?!? I can’t. So my new job will henceforth be known as Spelunking Coordinator at … Continue reading Congratulatory Random 10
Even though I knew I had to be at work no later than 7:00am today, I stayed up until about 11:00pm with my roommate and brother, sitting on the balcony watching the (all too rare around these parts) thunder & lightening storm and smoking cigars. This is after I rescued my brother from the hospital, … Continue reading FLASH! aah aahhhhhh