Tabulated Results

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last entry. It seems clear that Ray should indeed foot the entire bill for refinishing the room. So I had a painter in for an estimate today. The verdict: $200. Coincidentally, the exact amount of Ray’s deposit. How serendipitous. The painter didn’t even know beforehand! So now Ray … Continue reading Tabulated Results


I just informed Ray that he’s going to have to pay for the refinishing of his room. He’s obviously not pleased about it. (Reminder of the state of Ray’s walls here.) I’ve yet to get a painter in for an estimate, but I’ve told Ray that the cost of filling the holes and painting the … Continue reading Vote!


I don’t really have much of anything to say. I’ve been busy at work tying everything up before I make it a long weekend and scamper off to a wintry wonderland for some much needed R & R. This will mark the first time since June that I’ve spent more than 1 full day away … Continue reading Tidbit

The Eating

I present to you, yet another thing that drives me INSANE about Ray, which also proves that my intolerance is so inflated that I’m just not fit to live with other people in general. Ray eats stinky food. I don’t know if I ever mentioned (because it doesn’t really matter) but Ray’s Korean. When he … Continue reading The Eating


I think I’ve figured out how to put up with the next 6 weeks of Surly Ray. Stay Drunk. For his surliness is only going to increase over the next few weeks, as he tries to study for term exams & find a new home. And especially when I tell him that he’s going to … Continue reading Solution

Last Straw

Time for another Ray-ism. Do we remember Ray’s reluctance to downsize to one garbage can in the bathroom? Well his bizarre inability to deal with such things has now transferred to the Brita. I’ve had a 1.5L Brita pitcher for a long time – I purchased it when I first moved out on my own, … Continue reading Last Straw

La La Land

I’m getting a little nervous about the State of the Union in my home. I’m losing faith that Ray will actually be making his exodus at the end of 2005 instead of mid-2006. He was planning on moving in with a friend of his, but that fell through. Apparently the friend was “asking too much … Continue reading La La Land


Preamble: Ever since Ray moved in, we’ve had two garbage cans in the bathroom. It honestly just offended some delicate sensitiblity I hold, so today I made the move, and took one away. The following exchange commenced once Ray noticed: Ray: So uh… Jen… I was just in the uh… bathroom… Self: And? Self thinking: … Continue reading Ray-ism

Ode to a Roommate

Things have settled in now, and I thought it was worth mentioning that I’ve actually grown quite fond of my roommate. While he’s still kinda nutso, it’s an endearing kinda nutso. My kinda nutso. A few recent incidents that make me smile: •When he was loading the dishwasher, he asked me to help him with … Continue reading Ode to a Roommate