Spend Less, Make More

Of course the fundamentals of any balanced budget is that you can’t spend more than you make. It’s a no-brainer. It’s also not always easy (possible, yes, easy, no) to make sure that actually happens on a month-to-month basis. With a large amount of credit available and/or minimum payments you could also make for “just … Continue reading Spend Less, Make More

X-Ray Glasses

Now that we’re debt-free, I wanted to share some of the tools we used on the way there. Actually, there was just one tool: Google Spreadsheets. In it, we built our budget, and kept track of everything we realized needed keeping track of. The visibility into exactly how much money we expected to be coming … Continue reading X-Ray Glasses

Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 5

January. February. March. April. And May has already come and gone! This was really a banner month for us. One of those months that illustrated how much freedom being responsible with finances delivers. May is the month in which Neil finds out if the company he works for has met their corporate goals, and what, … Continue reading Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 5

Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 4

January. February. March. We’ve spent April being much more accountable with our spending, which brings with it a lot more peace of mind than we had in March. Unfortunately, now that we’re back to keeping careful track of our money, it’s become obvious we’re pretty consistently going over on our monthly variable costs allowance. This … Continue reading Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 4

Power to the People!

Remember the woe and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments I kicked up over our last power bill? The next one has arrived. And we are pleased!!! Our power consumption went way back down to a completely reasonable 962kWh for the past 57 days. That’s fully 1/3 the amount of power we used in … Continue reading Power to the People!

Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 3

January. February. Oh March. What the hell happened. I went to look back through our statements to find out where the money went this month, and it turns out I have absolutely no idea. Thankfully our plans to pay our line of credit, mortgage, etc. have been automated. So we did fine in that regard. … Continue reading Monthly Budget Wrap-Up 3

Home Body

Posting’s been light this past little while as I get used to new routines, husband home, time change, etc. But here’s a quick link to a great post I found on Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s blog (she of the Till Debt Do Us Part tv show) about transitioning from renting to home ownership. I’ve been having conversations … Continue reading Home Body


Along with adjusting to the schedule and commute of my new job, I’ve been living the single life. Neil’s been gone for a week, and isn’t heading home for another few days. This has made it really easy to slip into some old, inefficient habits, especially in the kitchen. When I’m home alone, it’s almost … Continue reading Plenty