
If you’ve been paying attention to Facebook in the last couple hours, you may have noticed that I finally got a damn job. My new title is Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager. Yes it’s a mouthful. No, I’m not sure how it’ll all fit on my new cards. I’ll be working for a small, but … Continue reading Workity


When I first found myself on the job-hunt, I was inundated with a common question: Why not strike out on your own? Why not start your own business? It still comes up – even in interviews! Seriously – prospective employers, people who would ostensibly have me work for them, wonder why on earth I’d want … Continue reading Entrepre-NOT

My So-Called Life

Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives. ~Paulo Coelho It’s no secret … Continue reading My So-Called Life

Head, meet Desk

I am slowly realizing why I’m not getting any bites on the job front. I am kindof an idiot. I believe I’ve made some sort of formatting or spelling mistake on every. single. application I’ve sent out. In a list, I’ve used a dash, then colons (I should’ve gone with one or the other). I’ve … Continue reading Head, meet Desk

Dear Blogland

I could certainly use a bit of a pick-me-up today. So I ask you, blogiverse, to indulge me in my wee pity party, while I present to you a list of things that suck today: I am still jobless. Not only that, but of the dozen or so applications I’ve sent out, I’ve received exactly … Continue reading Dear Blogland


Two loaves of homemade whole wheat bread (no, I don’t own a breadmaker). One batch of brownies. Two loaves of banana bread. Two sparkling bathrooms. One 90-minutes-of-prep/cooking Moroccan feast for two. Countless loads of laundry. Hours of happy dog walks. Three-point-seven-five days of unemployment. Five job openings sitting in open browser tabs, waiting for me … Continue reading Paralyzer


So today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or something like it. In any case, last Thursday was my last day at the former job, and after a lovely long weekend, today is the first Monday in a while that I’m at home with no idea when I’ll be back at … Continue reading Homebody

On the Prowl

No, not for a man. I’m not that old yet, and I happen to quite like the one I’ve got.

For a job.

I figured the layoff was coming – as time’s gone by the writing on the wall has become clearer and clearer and more client work has never materialized. I thought I might have more warning than I did and had put some steps in motion to start the hunt in earnest once I returned from my trip. But the boss did month-end, looked at the books, and it was the first thing I got to deal with upon returning to work Tuesday morning.

So the hunt is on.

I’ve worked mostly for small businesses, non-profits and startups. That is NOT where I want to go next. I did find that taking the risk working for them led to a lot of really great experiences taking on projects I’d have had to wait years for otherwise in larger organizations. Ultimately though, I suffered with a lack of useful direction, guidance, critique or feedback. I did get it from other sources (clients and other invested parties acknowledging the success of the work I’ve done), but rarely (sometimes never) from those signing my paycheques. Until I leave, or am laid off – when I’m finally told that “hey, you were doing a great job, I’m sure you knew that.” I even suffered the indignity once of both my direct supervisors not even acknowledging my resignation or departure. I know it’s not what the cool kids are after these days, but I want a boss.

I want to work for a company that’s proven its success through growth. Not a big government dinosaur either – I’ve also put my time in with those, but any of BC’s 50 best employers would be fantastic. I don’t want to report to the president or CEO. I’m certainly not at VP or Director level for the kind of company I want to work for. I want a company who recognizes the value of what I’ve done so far – taking some risks in my career choices and gaining some great experience along the way rather than slaving away as a cog for years, trying to “work my way up” – and is ready to take a chance on me. A pure meritocracy where my successes are celebrated, my career growth is nurtured and my mistakes are learning experiences and chances to blow their expectations out of the water (in a good way) next time.

I know these places are out there. I have to believe they are.

Without posting my entire resume online, because I’m paranoid about posting my complete work history for the internets, I’ll paste some skill summaries from it here after the jump, and perhaps if anyone in blogland knows of or works for a great company like the one I’ve detailed above, you’d be kind enough to email me (jen [at] thisdomain [dot] com) and let me know of an opportunity to apply for, or someone to chat with.

And heck, if you work for that kind of company you’re probably entitled to some sort of referral bonus as well, and I have a very good interview:job offer ratio.
Continue reading “On the Prowl”


With September comes the inevitable back to school feeling in the air. And this year, like the 3 before it, I won’t be going back. The slightly more noteworthy tidbit though, is that I won’t be going back next year either. I’ve decided that despite my not-dismal-but-also-not-very-good LSAT score from June, I’m not going to … Continue reading LSAT-out

Jealousy Is…

Being pulled out of a Visio-Induced Flow-Chart stupor by the cell phone, when it is the boyfriend on the other line, with the notification that that the power at his office is out, and the sun is shining and everyone is going to the beach, and could I cut out of work early and come … Continue reading Jealousy Is…