
Work is currently devouring my soul. And all of my time. Instead of providing any real content I shall ask you, dear readers, to share your favourite way to de-stress. Ready? Go. Continue reading Kaboom

And on and on

I have yet to get a decent night’s sleep since before I left for Korea. I have a lot of work to do as the busy Spelunking season gets fully underway. I have a very important test to write in just under 3 weeks. I don’t feel like I’m making progress on any of those … Continue reading And on and on


I have just discovered something very, VERY upsetting. Having not used Windows 2000 for a number of years, it took a bit of getting used to at this job. But no matter. I keep plugging along on the inferior OS because I’m stoic like that. But I just came to a startling realization: Windows 2000 … Continue reading Discovery


54-40 T-Shirt Originally uploaded by peechie. At the Spelunking Club, there are a number of private events that take place. Last night there was a “win to get in” concert and wine tasting sponsored by one of the local radio stations, and 54-40 were the feature entertainment. Of course, I didn’t win to get in … Continue reading Perk


Back at it after a gruelling and ultimately awesome long weekend. But not until after I stopped by my old place of employ to say hi to some of my old co-workers. The conversations went a little like this: Former Coworkers (FC): Wow, you look fantastic! The new job must agree with you! Me: Yah, … Continue reading Grind

Lights, Camera, Action!

There’s a film crew shooting a commercial at the Spelunking Club today. From what I’ve seen of location sets, the crews seem to be pretty used to having the run of the place, and not worrying much about anyone else while they’re there. At least, that’s how this crew is acting about the club. They’ve … Continue reading Lights, Camera, Action!

Monday Haiku

Rude Cactus mentioned he’d like to see some Monday Haikus in his comments. I’ve left one there, but thought I’d share it with everyone here as well: two short days away returning, what do i find? shit happened. uh oh. And now, in the spirit of the haiku, I must to and try to clean … Continue reading Monday Haiku


Things are still going well at the Spelunking Club. I’m having a great time, meeting great people, and even finding time to do a little spelunking myself. Not having a spelunking background at all, it’s nice to find out that I seem to have a bit of a knack for it – which really helps … Continue reading Firefighting


I have always been a believer in things happening for a reason. The same day I was starting my new job, my ex-co-workers were finding out that their contracts (which expire at the end of this month) are not being renewed. Why yes, that is a horseshoe up my hoo-hah… thanks for asking. Seriously though, … Continue reading Kismet