Flip Flop

There’s a part of me that wants to spend this last week at the job I’m leaving just fucking the dog and not doing much of anything. Then there’s the other part of me that wants to blaze through all the work I possibly can (which is a fairly ridiculous amount), just to shove it … Continue reading Flip Flop


Apparently this is a good week for gettin’ in where ya fit in. First Devon, then dearheart, now me! I’ve had this particular iron in the fire for quite a few months, and now the details are all finalized. Start date: June 1. Without giving away the employer, I’m going to be working for a … Continue reading NEW JOB!


So I’m doing my accounting homework at the very last minute. Again. And as usual, I feel like there’s a big gap in my level of understanding. It’s very much like learning a foreign language through immersion. You get the general gist of things… but when you go to put the words together yourself, it … Continue reading S-M-R-T


It’s moments like this I wish it weren’t so uncool to blog about work. I could seriously use a vent moment right about now. I’ll have to settle for a Mint Aero. Continue reading AAARGH

All Access

I’m currently taking an MS Access class through work. Right now we’re talking about Validating Data.

The instructor just said “If you’re doing data entry work right now, I’m sorry. Because it’s a horrible job. It’s tedious, and exacting, and if you make mistakes you usually get in trouble for it. Our job as database designers is to create validation rules that force the users to enter good data and minimize mistakes.”

Nothing wrong with that statement, right?

Right… except….

Continue reading “All Access”

Flash! Aah Aaahhhhh

I keep seeing little flashes of light bursting through my department here at work. I’ve got my headphones in, so I’m pretty oblivious to any aural stimulation. But the light – I was very excited, thinking we were going to get one of those rare Vancouver Springtime Thunderstorms. Unfortunately, it’s just some people taking pictures. … Continue reading Flash! Aah Aaahhhhh

Tick Tock

There are some days I really, REALLY dislike being an hourly employee. Today is one of those days. We have deadlines every two weeks, and today was one of those deadline days. I worked somewhat harder than I usually do for the first part of my day, got my work done, helped some other people … Continue reading Tick Tock


There are supply cabinets scattered around the office in various locations. I sit near-ish to one of them. A couple of co-workers just walked past me, toward it to grab something, and I overheard a snippet of their conversation: Co-Worker#1: …I’ve never had to send one before, so I didn’t bother knowing where the envelopes … Continue reading Ampersand

New Favourite

It’s no secret to those who know me that I have issues with work right now. I’m working on them, but it’s not a very speedy process so far. In the meantime, I’ve found something that makes the day go by MUCH faster. Audiobooks. I really don’t get the chance to read as much as … Continue reading New Favourite


It’s like deja vu all over again! The people who sign my paycheque are about to change for the 2nd time this year. The investment firm who closed the deal to purchase my employer on the first of the year have flipped us to a major player in the industry. Personally I think the two … Continue reading Boioioioioing


This sounds like whining – and it probably is – but if you have a potential answer (or just want to tell me to shut the hell up) then please comment. I am a low-level cog is a large corporation. I work with someone else who is also a low-level cog of a slightly different … Continue reading Dilemma


I finally had my interview. I think it went well, but only time will tell whether or not my particular skill set matches what the team lead will want. I’ll know before Monday. My ebay order did indeed ship the next business day, but nobody emailed me to tell me that. I still don’t have … Continue reading Score!

FREAK. ING. OUT. I’m supposed to be in an interview right now. But I am not. My interviewer is stuck in traffic. I barely made it to 9:00am. I CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER! IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY! All of the candidates are really different (they interview all internal applicants) so I suppose it’ll be a … Continue reading

Sellin’ Puppies

What do you do when the main database at work has to incur an “emergency shutdown” (fancy words for – oh shit, oracle’s broken here…)? Ok, what do you do after you’ve read every news article, Fark post and RSS feed that holds the tiniest promise of interest? Then what do you do when you’ve … Continue reading Sellin’ Puppies