
I have a memorial service to go to next week and I’m in the process of finding a charitable organization to make a donation to, in lieu of (which will actually be in addition to, because that’s just what I do) flowers. Thankfully, it’s been a while since I’ve had a memorial or funeral to … Continue reading Dona-Shunned

Holy Thursday

Today is a very important day. It marks the first evening I’ve spent at home in more than a week! Despite the fact that in mid-September I was assuring myself that finally October would be a time to relax it’s now November and uh.. where did October go? Oy. At least I don’t have any … Continue reading Holy Thursday


It appears my website broke itself. I promise I didn’t touch anything – I blame elves. Hooray for the people at (my superfantastic host) for fixing it for me within about 15 minutes! My admin page is still all borked, so if anyone wants to get together and fix it with me, I’d be … Continue reading Oops.


A wee tidbit about me that some of you may not know: When I feel cranky, I shop. I’ve always had magpie eyes, and few things bring a glimmer of joy to my heart like something shiny and new. This is the part where, if I were a popular blogger, some troll would psychobabble me … Continue reading Shopaholic

Chick Exposure Rate

Alternate title: what happens when A Beautiful Mind meets Everquest. “Right now my focus is on one of my stats that I call CER – my Chick Exposure Rate. See, as my CER increases, my probability of performing a critical hit (getting a date) dramatically increases. It’s just a matter of simple statisti-” Davis then … Continue reading Chick Exposure Rate

UI Complaint

Dear Website Designers, I love cookies. I am a cookie monster! They make life easier, and I’m a fan of anything that makes life easier. However, they are designed to work a certain way. When you have that little “remember me” button to check, it should be UNCHECKED when I visit your website. If I … Continue reading UI Complaint

Inspector Gadget

The car inspection report is back. There are issues. Many small ones that don’t merit much consideration, and a couple larger ones. I am not amused at the larger ones. I obviously need to turn up the hardass and give the salesperson some hell. Maybe after a nap. Continue reading Inspector Gadget

Marquee Phone

This one’s for mikey. Happy Marquee Monday! My cell phone contract isn’t up until October-ish… but I’m hoping to convince the fine folks at Telus Mobility to let me renew it a little early, because methinks it’s time for a new phone. A CAMERAPHONE. So I can take pictures like this. And this. And phallic … Continue reading Marquee Phone

Fast Times

Shopping last night was a fantastic time. Sue and I conqurerd Richmond Centre and both came away with some great finds. I managed to spend more on a cheese knife, than a pair of jeans. To be fair, the jeans were on sale at Old Navy, and the knife is FANTASTIC. I obviously have my … Continue reading Fast Times