All Access

I’m currently taking an MS Access class through work. Right now we’re talking about Validating Data.

The instructor just said “If you’re doing data entry work right now, I’m sorry. Because it’s a horrible job. It’s tedious, and exacting, and if you make mistakes you usually get in trouble for it. Our job as database designers is to create validation rules that force the users to enter good data and minimize mistakes.”

Nothing wrong with that statement, right?

Right… except….

Continue reading “All Access”

Uh Uh the Email

I’ve just realized that I left my email client open at home. There it is, happily chugging away downloading all my messages every 5 minutes and promptly deleting them from the server. So I can’t check my personal webmail accounts ALL DAY (despite the fact that all I really get on it is blog comments, … Continue reading Uh Uh the Email


Phew. Blog Fixed. And it took me all of three seconds. Too bad I was at work all day, and didn’t have any of my ftp login information with me to fix it before now. Seems what happened was when my host upgraded their php and mySQL whatchamacallit, my under construction page (handily called index.html) … Continue reading FIXINATED!


It’s come to my attention that I have about eleventy-trillion emails sitting in my inbox. I’m sorry. I’ve been all preoccupied with this being on death’s door crap. If I’m supposed to be getting back to you, I will, I promise. Just give me a few more days (oh lord please don’t let me feel … Continue reading Incommunicado

New Favourite

It’s no secret to those who know me that I have issues with work right now. I’m working on them, but it’s not a very speedy process so far. In the meantime, I’ve found something that makes the day go by MUCH faster. Audiobooks. I really don’t get the chance to read as much as … Continue reading New Favourite


Figures. I thought Napster’s great new “to go” idea was too cool to be true. Turns out it is. There are only NINE players on the market that are compatible with the Napster to Go interface. Sure, you can go download music onto your PC until you’re blue in the face. However, unless you own … Continue reading Smash.

Big Tease

Futile Future Shop is taunting me with their wares. Remember that mp3 player I was (and still am) so strongly lusting after? They have it. For cheap. One tiny snag – they’re only offering it in black – and I really wanted the pink. But I can do black. It’s fashionable, slimming, etc. Black is … Continue reading Big Tease

Feed Me!

My feed isn’t showing as updated in Bloglines. Whyfor? Is anyone else noticing that the last available post from me on there is from March 7th? (That’s like asking you to raise your hand if you’re absent – I know.) Most importantly – how do I fix it? Continue reading Feed Me!

Mrs. Computer?

Speaking of computers, yay for new ones! I won a 3rd PC from work today, and this one came with a couple nice things I’m keeping for myself before passing the system on to my brother. 1. New Monitor – 19″ instead of 17″. Happiness is viewing things at 1280×1024. 2. New Mouse. Happiness is … Continue reading Mrs. Computer?