Best DVDs Ever

I have no willpower. I succumbed to my inner ho and purchased Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease 5 disc set. I am embarassed to say how much they ended up costing – but let’s just say getting them here was not cheap. Luckily, I find them soooooo worth it. Anything that has me working out for … Continue reading Best DVDs Ever

Face Off

So according to this site, I could be Gillian Anderson. Not quite what I had in mind – but she’s cute. But what’s even more interesting – I could also be Tom Hanks! (links available for 48 hours) Continue reading Face Off

Long Day

You know I’ve been busy (at work and otherwise) when I can’t update for a few days. But I thought I’d take a few minutes to share this tidbit with you: Sometimes, an ice cold Stella, some fresh air, and Bon Jovi cranked unacceptably loud really will make it all better. If that doesn’t work, … Continue reading Long Day

Deep Thoughts

A few bloggers have posted in the past couple days about how much a person’s true personality (or lackthereof) comes through in their blogging, and whether or not that makes them a good blogger.

I can’t say I have a concrete answer, but every blog on my blogroll is there because I read them and enjoy them. And all of the authors write with varying degrees of depth to their true person.

I’ll also share my personal philosophy about blogging: If I wouldn’t put it on a billboard, I wouldn’t put it on my blog. The last thing I want is to end up being dooced by my friends, family or job. Not to say that I advertise my blog – but I don’t hide it either. Most people at work know that I write and where to read it. I haven’t told my family, and I don’t think they read it, although it would be fine if they did.

I haven’t told my roommate the URL, and my only remaining blogging fear is that she find it and read the horrible things I’ve written about her. Not that it would bother me that much, but I haven’t said anything to her face yet, and it would be really rude of me if she just stumbled on my words out in cyberspace.

But I digress…. Back to why I do and don’t put certain things on my blog.
Continue reading “Deep Thoughts”


PSA: it’s not easy to clean off a deck when you don’t have access to a hose to just blast everything off. BUT! I have cleaned off an entire winter’s worth of grime off my deck & furniture. I wouldn’t go out there in white socks, or sit in the chairs in a linen suit, … Continue reading Margaritaville


Holy Crap. My holidays were just bumped up a couple weeks, meaning they’re going to be the week after next! ACK! My to-do list just doubled! Continue reading Bump


Hi. My name is Peechie. And I don’t know what an RSS feed is. That’s right folks, I’m ign’ant. I keep reading on all sorts of people blogs about their RSS feeds, and their RSS feed readers, and apparently I’m way behind the times if I don’t have one. I don’t even know what it … Continue reading RSS?


Found via two dolla, I bring you, the pimp versions of my name: Sticky Fingers J. Squeeze Sweet Chocolate W. Clinton Devious Honey J. Rock Vicious D. J. Tickle President W. Flow Stealth Maestro W. Joker I could go on and on. Go ahead, pimpafy yo’ bad self! Continue reading Pimpafied

Book Meme

Found via Arwen and Darren (and countless others by now), I present to you, the latest meme:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

“The employment rate for women has also continued to climb. (emphasis theirs)”

The 2nd closest book, the one underneath the previous one:

“The elevator cars descend automatically upon alarm activation to the ground floor, where they are locked out until either the alarm system is reset, or the automatic grounding is bypassed.”

Any guesses as to what they are?
Continue reading “Book Meme”

Sad Goodbye

This morning I had to say a sad goodbye.

I said goodbye to something that’s become a part of me over the better part of the past 5 years – it’s tough to let go after this long.

But I put on my brave face. Wept a little weep. Shed a little tear.

And lifted the pliars.
Continue reading “Sad Goodbye”