Six Six Six

Sixes are a whole bunch of words; harmony,friendship, family life, loyal, reliable,loving, and you adapt easily. You do well inteaching and the arts, but are oftenunsuccessful in business. You are prone togossip and complacency. The Pythagoreansregarded six as the perfect number because oflots of math things; six is divisible by bothtwo and three, and was … Continue reading Six Six Six

Story Time

Today, I am reminded of a story. Something that happened a number of years ago, that illustrated to me, for the first time, the sheer stupidity of the human race. I was in highschool, and walking to the bank one day at lunch. I happened to see a guy that I knew, let’s call him … Continue reading Story Time

Hockey Talk

I know, there are more important world events to discuss right now. But, I wanted to share this article that I found via Mel.

It basically says everything I tried to say in my earlier entry, only much better.

Perhaps after reading this, those earlier commenters who feel that they can legitimately compare the incident to the same thing happening in any other occupation or situation, will grab a firmer grip on reality, and consider WHY the incident happened – not just the aftermath.

I strongly recommend that anyone who’s not a hockey fan or doesn’t understand today’s game very well give this a read. It explains everything that’s wrong in today’s game. Perhaps NHL players should have “STOP” signs on the backs of their jerseys too.

I liked the article so much, in fact, that I’ve posted it in its entirety in the extended entry.

Thoughtful discussion encouraged. Flaming and ignorance can be taken elsewhere.
Continue reading “Hockey Talk”

Freight Train

So we went out to the Foggy Dew last night. Cool place, don’t know why I never bothered to make it out there before yesterday. It was also really great, since (as birthdays tend to do) a lot of people that we don’t see much anymore made the effort to come out. The old gang … Continue reading Freight Train


I’m going out tonight (something I don’t actually do that much, usually because I can’t be bothered) so I figured I’d buy myself something pretty to wear. I found nothing. It’s a hot sunny day, so I did the logical thing. I bought beer instead. I am satisfied with the day’s purchases. Continue reading Shopping

Everyone’s a Critic

Everyone (at least in this fine city) has something to say about the recent Todd Bertuzzi incident. Darren, Mel, Sue & Rog (among others I’m sure I’ve missed), and their commentors, all have their own opinions on what did, should & will happen. I wanted to toss out my few cents on the situation: -Professional … Continue reading Everyone’s a Critic


So I went to the “butt” for the weekend (That’s Abbotsford for those who don’t know) to chill with the parental units. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. We went curling with some people from my mom’s work – and my mom and I ended up on the 3rd place team! That … Continue reading Weekend


I found out yesterday that the man who introduced me to my current (and so far strongest) version of religious faith, has died. That fills me with an immense sense of loss. Continue reading Loss

Blood, Sugar

Actually, I guess it was sugar, then blood. Oh well, no matter. Friday night I lost my Krispy Kreme virginity. After standing in line for an hour I enjoyed my first “hot now” fresh off the line doughnut. Meh. It did melt in my mouth, but not in a particularly good way. It was less … Continue reading Blood, Sugar

Music Meme

I’ve finally decided to do the music meme (from both Darren and sn0wangel). I’ve put itunes on random, and here’s the first 10 songs I got: 1. Michael Buble – Fever 2. Pink – God is a DJ 3. Paul Oakenfold – Zoo York 4. Santana – One of These Days (feat. Ozomatli) 5. All … Continue reading Music Meme

Dumb da Dumb Dumb

Being in the world of work for the past 8 months (as opposed to the world of academia) I feel like I’ve been getting steadily dumber. Not that my work doesn’t require a great deal of thought – but it’s very specific, and I feel like my mind’s stuck in a place where I can … Continue reading Dumb da Dumb Dumb