It’s all right,

‘Cuz I’m Saved by the Bell Ok people. Pop culture icon for anyone who was a teenager in the 1990’s. DUSTIN DIAMOND (aka Screech) is going to be at Yuk Yuk’s from March 4-7. I think I’ll go on the 4th – it’s the most convenient night for me. Who else is in? Continue reading It’s all right,

One of those days

Do you ever have one of those days where you think you see someone you know, every time you turn around? Yesterday was one of those days. And the “someone” was my highschool boyfriend. I haven’t seen the guy since 1998, and as far as I know, he lives in Kelowna now. Yet I swear … Continue reading One of those days


Aah. I finally got around to cleaning up the blogroll. I deleted anyone who hasn’t updated in the last month, and added a few blogs that were hanging around in my favourites that I hadn’t gotten around to blogrolling yet. If I used to have you on here and don’t anymore, and you start writing … Continue reading Blogroll


I’ve got a crush. I never rarely get crushes. I’ve never been one to lust over celebrities etc. But I have a crush on “Boston Rob” from Survivor. I can’t help it. I get little butterflies inside when I think about him. I’m so lame. Continue reading Crush


Disclaimer: Bitter singles are probably best directed to fuckoff now. Hope everyone had a happy Valentine’s day – whether you had a sweetheart to share it with or not. I know that any kind of good company and good will can make a day or night special 🙂 I had a really good Valentine’s day … Continue reading V-Day


I think people are out to try my patience today. I am normally the most cool, calm, collected person (at least at work – any indications alluding to the contrary from my Boyfriend don’t count) – but seriously people. Give it a rest already. I thought the sunshine was supposed to make people happier. Instead … Continue reading Trying

The Early Bird…

.. is an angry and not at all happy bird. The fire alarms started going off in my building this morning at around 4:30. They went back and forth, between on and off about four times, until sometime around 7:30. Each time a firetruck would come screeching up, sirens wailing, firefighters would clamber out in … Continue reading The Early Bird…

To be, or not to be… Free that is.

Following the thread on protests over tuition hikes on Darren’s and Donna’s blogs, I thought I’d post my own response:

I think students are notorious for being entirely too idealistic, and caught up in fighting for the impossible, instead of focusing on creating the plausable. Having taken my undergraduate degree in a department that focuses strongly on ideology (Communication) at a University that is decidedly leftist (SFU), I was exposed to this attitude for many years. I didn’t agree with the attitude then, and I don’t agree with it now.

We live in a capitalist society. It takes money to pay for everything, including education. We are not, and never will be fully communist and/or socialist, and asking for our government to provide communist and/or socialist solutions for capitalist problems is an exercise in futility.

Instead, lets focus on some solutions that work *with* the current societal structure.
Continue reading “To be, or not to be… Free that is.”