Wash thy hands

So I just took a little bathroom break at work (because you all wanted to know that, right) and dutifully washed my hands, as I’m inclined to do after such a task, and was staring blankly at the paper towel dispenser. But today I stared slightly less blankly, and noticed the paper towel manufacturer. Our … Continue reading Wash thy hands

Good Day

Today has been an incredibly Good Day. I had perfect skytrain timing for my morning commute. I registered for my Yoga class in January. I was approved for the best group in a funds-matching program called Learn$ave – and will receive up to $4500 in government cashola, plus some financial planning services. I had a … Continue reading Good Day

New Blog

I know I mentioned I was starting Body-for-LIFE on Monday, but that didn’t quite happen. Tomorrow is the day though! And to prove it, I’ve started a new blog to chronicle the process! Wish me luck! Continue reading New Blog

Look for the Union Label

With the recent bruhaha going on over BC Ferries here with the Union fighting for whatever it is they’re fighting for (I haven’t actually heard – all the media tells me is that the Union “claims it’s about more than wages”) I wanted to add my own little tangent. Comments on this are already abundant … Continue reading Look for the Union Label

Quiz Mania

Dude, you are totally from British Columbia!Everything is beautiful and nothing is bad. Which Canadian Province Are You From? brought to you by Quizilla Not bad, and I didn’t even pick any answers with “weed” in them! Continue reading Quiz Mania


I have just discovered a new way to strike fear into the hearts of telemarketers and telephone surveyers. When they ask your occupation, tell them “call center management.” Guaranteed, they will be stunned into silence, and be extra nice throughout the call. Continue reading Muahaha

Tickets for Sale!!!

As many of you may or may not know, John Mayer is coming to town on Feb. 14/04. I just finished purchasing tickets, and due to a stupid ticketmaster online snafu, I ended up with 2 extra sets of tickets that I have no need for. Unfortunately, they won’t cancel them, because their system recorded … Continue reading Tickets for Sale!!!

Heavy Moment

In honour of John Mayer tickets going on sale today at noon (Concert Feb. 14/04 – Pacific Colliseum), and because I want to know all the words when I go to the concert, I bought his new CD, Heavier Things, last night.

And, not surprisingly, I’ve found my new favourite song. Daughters.

I dare any girl who loves her parental-units (whoever they may be to you) at all, who’s ever had them be there for her after her heart’s been broken, to listen to this and not cry. It’s even more poignant if you have brothers.

(note: John Mayer is the only artist to date whose music has been powerful enough to move me to tears. This is serious stuff folks.)

Check the extended entry for the lyrics.
Continue reading “Heavy Moment”

Ow Ow.

First of all, thanks to everyone for “agreeing to disagree” with me and my little rant. It’s nice to know that most people are still capable of being rational, and all over fairly decent human beings. ——————– Now on a completely unrelated note: I hurt. All over. All the time. After two years of gaining … Continue reading Ow Ow.