
We interrupt your day for an important announcement… ok everyone, go listen to this song, now, because it kicks ass: Married by Elvis – Barlow. I don’t know where you’ll find it, they have no website to speak of yet, and their CD isn’t being released until Aug. 26th. But I promise you, if you … Continue reading Mu-Zak

Friday Five

1. How much time do you spend online each day? Considering the backbone of my workplace is the internet, at least 8 hours. Tack on another 1 or 2 if I’m doing stuff at home. 2. What is your browser homepage set to? Google 3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which … Continue reading Friday Five


So my roommate’s friend is in from T.O. and is staying with us for the week. We were all in the living room area chatting, roommate’s friend was standing behind the couch fiddling with something in her bag when I hear it…. …. A FART! Not just any fart, but a real ripping rumbler. It … Continue reading Fluffy

I’ve got all the Answers

The time has come for me to answer all of your intriguing questions! I do believe I can even fit them all into one entry! Here are the questions – check the extended entry for the answers.

why would anyone pierce a piece of furniture?
oh, cooch piercing. i thought it said “couch”.
yeah, let’s hear about that.

Posted by mikey at August 13, 2003 12:08 PM

whats your shoe size?

Posted by spark at August 13, 2003 12:51 AM

everyone lately seems at a loss for what to write about, myself included.
you should write about sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Posted by p at August 12, 2003 04:26 PM

a tame one:
why do you have your own site on your Blogroll?

Posted by colin at August 12, 2003 04:14 AM

tell us something personal about ya! all us people who don’t know you IRL are at a loss…

Posted by col at August 11, 2003 11:12 PM

What donna said.

Posted by Kyndra at August 11, 2003 08:44 PM

I want to know more about your cooch piercing. 🙂

Posted by donna at August 11, 2003 06:55 PM
Continue reading “I’ve got all the Answers”

At a Loss

I’m totally at a loss for what to write about. Life just hasn’t seemed all that exciting lately, and definitely not worth blogging about. That being said, I’ve still got a desire to write about *something*. So this is what I’m going to do: I’m opening it up to the masses. Is there anything you … Continue reading At a Loss

Thong Song

I saw this little gem on GoFish, and just had to share. My favorite part is where it is suggested that “heavy women refrain from wearing hip-huggers”. HALLELUJA! If only someone could make the same recommendation about Spandex. UPDATE: Why doesn’t anyone bother telling me when links don’t work? It’s fixed now. Continue reading Thong Song


I am so sick. Fortunately it’s “head” sick, not “entire body” sick, so I can still function, albeit a little slower than usual. I just hope it doesn’t get any worse. Bring on the drugs! Continue reading Sick

Alive, barely.

I am alive, barely. I have recently rediscovered the joys of working in an office environment where the rule is: one person brings in a cold, the rest of us will get it. So because my head is about to explode, I’ll use bulletpoints. -I bought a Sony Clie. It’s hella nifty. Anyone out there … Continue reading Alive, barely.


I had a great weekend, and although it was long for some folks, I get to be at work bright and early on this holiday, after a $16(+ tip) taxi ride to work, because I wasn’t smart enough to plan ahead for the “holiday hours” that the skytrain would be running on. Had I thought … Continue reading Weekend

Come ‘n’ git it!

Tonight I have the dinner of a 7 year old. KD and Meat Cubes. The meat cubes being pieces of pork chop. But only because I didn’t have weiners in the house. Besides, having pork chops makes it a little more grown up. If it were with weiners instead, it would be the dinner of … Continue reading Come ‘n’ git it!

New Beginning

Maybe it’s the new month, or I’m just finally getting my shit together, but I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot this morning. I payed bills and balanced my chequebook, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, sorted out all my papers to be filed (although filing will have to wait for another day), … Continue reading New Beginning