No Fun City

A recent entry on Darren’s blog really irked me (no offense to the writer or those who share the same opinion though). It was just a glaring example of why Vancouver turned into a “no fun city” Mr. Barefoot seems to think that the fireworks, because they aren’t his cup of tea, aren’t worth the … Continue reading No Fun City


I just noticed that our friendly neighbourhood weiner vendor bears a striking resemblance to big boy. He even struck a pose (albeit unintentionally) this morning as I walked past, one arm in the air (leaning on a tree) with a pensive, yet gleeful look on his face. Continue reading Observation


I had a very good birthday weekend. Now I am exhausted, and will go collapse on my bed and let the fan blow lukewarm air at me. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone! Goodnight. Continue reading Good

It’s my party

In case any of you were wondering when and where the festivites will be, I will be at Roosters Country Cabaret tomorrow night from 7pm-??? I understand that due to a combination of distance, and a distinct dislike of country music, many of my faithful readers will not likely show up, and that is ok. … Continue reading It’s my party

Friday Five

1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? “Just Jen”. 2. What songs would be on the soundtrack? This is totally not a chronological list, or an all inclusive one. They’re just songs that remind me of certain times and events in my life. My Life (in a Nutshell) – Barenaked … Continue reading Friday Five

Bad Friend

Blogging has made me a bad friend. Instead of actually checking up on my friends with an e-mail or a phone call, I just read their blogs. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even comment on their lives. I just think my encouraging/well wishing/friendly thoughts to myself, and assume that they know how … Continue reading Bad Friend

Ok, so I’m going to Kill my Roommate.

I’ve had pretty good luck with roommates thus far. Unfortunately, that appears to be running kinda low lately. My roommate doesn’t steal from me or break my stuff or anything like that. She’s actually very kind and generous.

Unfortunately she’s a neurotic, forgetful, scattered spaz. And those of you who know me will know that I have a very very low tolerance for stupid people.

I will now commence a lengthy rant about my roommate. Hopefully she doesn’t read this (or if she does, she’ll get the hint)…
Continue reading “Ok, so I’m going to Kill my Roommate.”

Tour de What?

The Tour de Gastown is going on outside my office windows as I work away this evening. Hundreds of men and women on their street bikes are whipping along a route that takes them from Water (@ Cambie) around a hairpin at Cordova, along Cordova, down Carrall, and back down Water to Cambie again. It’s … Continue reading Tour de What?

23 Candles

So, my birthday is coming up in a few days (Sunday the 27th for those of you who didn’t know), and I figured I’d shamelessly ask all of my loyal readers to donate to my impending present. I have included an easy “make a donation” button through paypal for your ease and convenience. I know … Continue reading 23 Candles


Carol Shields has died of cancer. I never really thought about what Canadian culture is – it’s so much easier to define it as what it isn’t – until I went to University. Even then, it took my endeavor to take a couple classes on Canadian books, music, film, etc. to make me really think … Continue reading Pity

Cheese Please

I only say cheese because it’s a protein food, and therefore, you can eat it on the atkins diet. My weight obsessed roommate was asking if I knew any success (or horror) stories about people who have done the atkins diet.

I tried it for a day, got a stupifying headache, gave up and ate a bagel and a cup of coffee with extra cream and sugar.

So I’ll throw it out to the masses: give me your diet stories (Atkins or otherwise) and I’m going to saunter my fat ass off to my dinner of ice cream and ciabatta buns.
Continue reading “Cheese Please”