Since nonameyet asked…

… that bikini wax was the DUMBEST THING I’VE EVER DONE!!! Although the “important bits” actually do feel pretty fine (although that just means they’re not screaming in agony – not that they ever really reached soft-as-a-baby’s-bottom status), the actual bikini area is right fucked. It feels and looks like the worst case of razor … Continue reading Since nonameyet asked…

The Ouch Factor

I was feeling pretty ok when I went to bed last night. I figured I’d be at “soft-as-a-baby’s-bottom” status by morning for sure. No dice. Still ouch. Still slightly swollen. Still hating the country of Brazil. Just see if you ever catch *me* drinking one of those stupid Brazilian beers ever again!! I’ll show them!!! Continue reading The Ouch Factor

Ouch in my Pants

No, this is not a subject in any way related to the one Arwen wrote about a few days ago. This is a post about a bikini wax. And not just any bikini wax, a brazilian bikini wax. That’s where instead of just waxing the hair off that would appear on the outside of a … Continue reading Ouch in my Pants


When I was unemployed I turned into a great cook. Now that I have a job again, my cooking skills seem to have gone straight out the window. I tried to make a simple pot of rice, and it didn’t happen. Although I had a funny feeling that mixing white and brown rice together might … Continue reading Cooking?

Rain Rain go Away

Contrary to the title of this post, I actually like the rain. It keeps our fair city from becoming one of those humid wastelands where it’s too uncomfortable to stray from anywhere that has central air conditioning. That being said, sometimes it’s just too much. I was not expecting rain today, so I did not … Continue reading Rain Rain go Away

Gossip Folks

As I’ve forotten often happens when you enter a workplace, there’s usually at least a small round of office gossip. I’m fortunate enough to work in a place where the people are fantastic, andthe gossip is pretty much at a minimum. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist at all though.

I wouldn’t really call it gossip, but in talking with co-workers, I’ve learned things about them that it’s just not my place to share with other co-workers. This drives me crazy, because the stuff isn’t a big deal, it’s just not my place to pass it onto others.

So here I am with these tidbits of knowledge floating around in my head, and nobody to share them with. Not that I’m a bad secret keeper or anything, but until now I’ve really been able to just write about stuff that was going on with things here on my blog. But now I know for a fact that people at work read this, and it just wouldn’t be right to post anything, because no matter how cryptic I seem, I can’t really say more than “somebody said something about a situation” without revealing too much.

I’ve never been one of those cryptic people because those entries just aren’t really worth reading in my opinion, and now today all of a sudden I’ve got the urge to be one of those cryptic people, and I really just can’t.

Except I just realized that I’ve been quite cryptic even though this entry isn’t about the events at work at all, but more about me and my writing and my urge to share something with someone and it just won’t work out. Because you see, I’m not in a position where I should share this information with people at work, and anyone else involved in my real life just wouldn’t care because it’s so darned trivial.

Or perhaps I’m just making a mountain out of a molehill.
Continue reading “Gossip Folks”

A Question of Etiquette

What do you do when you’re having a conversation with someone you don’t know that well, and you discover that their clothing isn’t functioning. By that I mean it’s not covering all that it should – and even worse – they aren’t wearing anything under the clothing for that added layer of protection, so you … Continue reading A Question of Etiquette

Look Out Below

Work is still going well, but is a bit slow at the moment. I’ve been assured by those in the know that it will pick up next week, but for now the afternoon shift gets pretty boring after 7:00pm or so. But not tonight! Tonight we amused ourselves with intermittent periods of people watching out … Continue reading Look Out Below

Morning TV

So I’ve been up since really early this morning (something I’m going to have to get used to on a semi-regular basis) and it’s not so bad. Except for this morning TV that I’m finding. A wedding story is on TLC (because I’m sick of hearing about the olympics on the news every day) and … Continue reading Morning TV

Miss You

There are a few things I miss about being unemployed. -I miss 3:00pm naps -I miss having obscene amounts of time to waste everyday on blogging, reading blogs, and IRC-ing -I miss having time to clean my house and cook proper meals and do all of those other domestic things (although I think this is … Continue reading Miss You

First Day

So my first day at work rocked my socks. It looks like it’s going to be a great opportunity to actually practice some of what I’ve spent the past five years learning – even though the official reason I’ve been hired doesn’t actually encompass any of that. I work with a great bunch of people, … Continue reading First Day

Olympic Pride?

In honour of my last day of official unemployment, I rousted myself out of bed at 5:00am to go downtown with my roommate and partake in the festivities at GM Place. What a disappointment. In my estimation the venue was probably 20% full by 7:00am – the designated start time, and might’ve made it to … Continue reading Olympic Pride?