All By Myself

So, for anyone who was waiting for the full version of what I alluded to before the weekend, here’s the low down: I broke up with my boyfriend. Although we love eachother a whole lot – that love doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the world. Some might say “well that’s not real … Continue reading All By Myself


Well, the big change has happened. I’m not being cryptic – I just don’t feel like talking about it right now. I’m sure that if you’ve been following along you can figure it out for yourself. So I’ve got some thinking to do – some getting used to the situation as it is now. I’m … Continue reading Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Moving Forward

Seems like every time I try to get my life in order, I try to do everything at once, and end up crashing and burning. So I think it’s time to lay things out slowly, so that I develop some positive habits and maintain life at the standard I like it.
Continue reading “Moving Forward”

The People

So… walk entry Part III – the end of the trilogy.

The people I encountered on this journey were incredible. I can’t possibly explain it and expect anyone who wasn’t there to understand, so here are a few of the little jems that I found along the way:
Continue reading “The People”

Fuck this Shit

I wish I had the guts to actually be as strong as I know I can be. How fucking far is too far? Because every time I think I’m there, there’s still more in the distance. And all this after I promised myself I wouldn’t do this again. Continue reading Fuck this Shit


It used to be indie – now it’s…. emo? I’m obviously way behind the times, but I’ve been wondering this for a while now. Someone enlighten me… what exactly is “emo” ? Continue reading Emo?

The Rain

I couldn’t possibly talk about the walk without discussing the rain factor.

I had prepared (like most walkers) for a typical Vancouver forecast – light showers off and on all day. So I had water resistant & quick-dry clothing, capri-length pants, warm-ish (but not too warm) clothing, and a hat.

Little did we all know, it would be one of the 12 days this city gets every year with torrential, painful, stay indoors at all costs rain. It was a huge part of the weekend, and gets a very loooooooong entry. I won’t be offended if you skim, or skip this entirely. But if you want an account of the horror I endured, read on.
Continue reading “The Rain”

Captain Combover

I’m crafting some more entries about the walk – but I had to share this little tidbit…

Girls Lie Too is the title of a new song by Terri Clark (it’s good – I don’t give a damn if you don’t like Country).

I’ve posted the full lyrics in the extended entry, but there’s one line that absolutely cracks me up each and every time I hear it. It’s near the end of the song, when Terri is talking (as opposed to singing), and she says:

No, we don’t care how much hair you have
Yeah, that looks good
Comb it over like that

Funny enough on it’s own – but my grandfather (wonderful man!) has the ubercombover. He could likely rival The Donald. So every time I hear that line, I think of this beautiful singer purring at my 83 year old Opa. I laugh. Out loud. Often. I think my co-workers are starting to wonder (since my music is on my headphones).
Continue reading “Captain Combover”

The Path

I really don’t have the energy to write about the walk all at once, so I’ll just write about different parts over the next day or two. Start: Plaza of Nations. Day 1. 35k. We took the seawall past Yaletown (I’m sure the residents weren’t all that keen on the noise we made at 7:30am) … Continue reading The Path


I finally finished all the last minute shopping I had to do for the Weekend. The weather forecast required me to actually go out and purchase that Jacket I was thinking about, and some plastic bags to wrap everything in. And now I have to pack it all. And pray that it doesn’t weigh more … Continue reading Zonked


For those of you who don’t know – I create advertising for a living. Not fancy graphics stuff, but text-based in-column adverts. Now that you have that bit of information – you may understand my frustration. I work with the LEAST intuitive program EVER. I have to link together dozens of tidbits of information, and … Continue reading Grrrr…