One of those things…

Don’t you hate it when you’ve added a friend to your MSN list – but their hotmail address and nickname are totally different than anything you’d expect. Initially it doesn’t seem like a problem, but sometimes you just don’t chat to that person on MSN that often, and pretty soon you’re wondering who the heck … Continue reading One of those things…

Open Letter to the HNG

Hi HNG, As much as you try to come off as a normal person, you do things that disturb me. If we can not have a conversation without you making reference to sexual innuendo and/or inquiries about my panties, I do not want to talk with you anymore. And I certainly do NOT want to … Continue reading Open Letter to the HNG

(Old) New Music

Where the hell have I been? I snagged this little gem off of Darren Barefoot’s site, and was pleasantly amazed and surprised. For some stupid reason, I always thought that Van Morrison belonged in amongst the ranks of Van Halen. So this morning, I tuned up the ol’ file sharing program, and went on the … Continue reading (Old) New Music

Oh Sure…

…now that my day is over, you all pick *now* to start updating your blogs. I really could’ve used the distraction earlier in the day while I was stuffing envelopes. In any case, have a pleasant weekend! Continue reading Oh Sure…

Feed Me Seymour!

So, bizarrely enough, today I am STARVING. For no good reason. I’ve done exactly the same (actually less, since I didn’t walk to work) this morning as I do most mornings. And I’ve eaten the same. The only difference is that instead of a coffee, I had an AlkaSelzer with Caffeine & ASA. I also … Continue reading Feed Me Seymour!


I knew as I was leaving the house at 6 tonight that I was forgetting *something*. I’ve been back home for about an hour, and I just realized what it was… I FORGOT TO TAPE CANADIAN IDOL! Dammit. Continue reading CRAP

Am I Good Enough?

Are you good enough to get into heaven? Courtesy of the lovely frog mama, the definitive answer on whether you’ll go to heaven, or spend an eternity listening to Kirk Cameron read scripture. Directions: 1. Go Here 2. Select “High Speed” 3. Click “No” to Take Kirk’s Quiz 4. Go to hell. Go straight to … Continue reading Am I Good Enough?

Wanted: Weiner Handlers

I’ve got a fundraising hot-dog sale going on for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer on Sunday, August 1st. I’m looking for a couple friends who have that afternoon open to come by and help me slag dogs for a few hours. It’ll be in New West, and should last until about 3:30pm at the … Continue reading Wanted: Weiner Handlers

Everything’s better with Butter

Better Personality Quiz You are an SRDF–Sober Rational Destructive Follower. This makes you a font of knowledge. You are cool, analytical, intelligent and completely unfunny. Sometimes you slice through conversation with a cutting observation that causes silence and sidelong glances. You make a strong and lasting impression on everyone you meet, the quality of which … Continue reading Everything’s better with Butter

MMmmmm MEAT!

So, enough of the angry and bitter Jen. Now that the hangover has subsided, I’ll share my pictures of MEATfest 2004.

The night was super-fun, thanks again to the gracious hostess, and I managed to take down my G&T a bit too fast and be “designated drunken asshole” – oops.

I also “left a little piece of me” at the party, when my earlier cooking wound (don’t look away while slicing an onion) re-opened, and I managed to bleed all over most of the cards in the Pit deck (which is the best game, ever, in case you needed to know).

But, enough of my rambling… on with the pictures!
Continue reading “MMmmmm MEAT!”

La Luna

This whole Luna the whale thing has me really worried. Not only for the poor whale, but for the people who need to be on the water in that area. I really hope that nobody gets hurt this summer because of the misdirected playfulness of a misplaced whale. I also hope they don’t end up … Continue reading La Luna