Sadly Lacking

After spending most of 8 hours of my day infront of a slim, stylish, sharp 19″ flat panel, going home to my husky, dusty (although perfectly fine) 17″ flat screen seems somehow dissatisfying. Now I know why men cheat. Sometimes the grass *is* greener (and each blade more perfectly defined, with amazing shading…..) Continue reading Sadly Lacking

Leader’s Debate

I plan on watching the leader’s debate this evening, along with at least a large chunk of the rest of the country, I’m sure. I did manage to get a sneak preview though. I watched en Francais (with a translator, of course) on cpac yesterday. I didn’t know that Jack Layton was born in Quebec, … Continue reading Leader’s Debate

Random Thoughts

A collection for Saturday Night: -I have athlete’s foot. ew. but Gold Bond medicated powder is my new best friend. -In addition to my new clothes, I got two pairs of kickin’ sandals and a pedicure. I got groceries too (told ya I would eat) but I really don’t wanna check my bank balance. -My … Continue reading Random Thoughts

mmmm idol

It’s that time of year again – Canadian Idol has started up. They’ve finally narrowed it down to the final 32.

The show is ending with a little montage at CTV’s fall launch party, featuring the 32 idol potentials, and last year’s top 4: Ryan Malcom, Gary Beals, Audrey de Montigny, and Billy Klippert.

The first 3 look pretty much the same (except Ryan has done something weird and mohawk-ey with his hair)

But Billy – he’s toned up a little… lost a few pounds… chiseled the jaw… I’ve just got two words for you:

Continue reading “mmmm idol”

Retail Therapy

I’m quickly discovering that with the spread of my ass came the shrinkage of my wearable wardrobe.

I’m doing my darndest to kick the flab, but in the meantime, I need something wearable, besides sweats (they aren’t exactly work appropriate).

So I hit the mall this evening, and got a pair of khakis, a sweater, hoodie style jacket, two tanks and two t-shirts – all for around $100. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Since I’m coming off being recently unemployed, I didn’t exactly have the $100 to spend, but perhaps if I eschew eating this week I’ll kill two birds with one stone!
Continue reading “Retail Therapy”

Ladies Night

Yippee for me, I’ve just won a Ladies’ Night VIP package from SkyBar. This means me, and up to 9 of my lady friends will be limo’d to SkyBar for a night of fun and debauchery, with the finest male entertainment. I’ve booked for Wednesday June 30th – keeping in mind that Thursday the 1st … Continue reading Ladies Night

A few things…

…that have helped me figure out what exactly I’m doing at this job: 1. Having paid attention in Advertising class. 2. Having paid attention in Marketing class. 3. Learning German. The acronyms here tend to build upon eachother, making them pretty easy to decipher. 4. Logic and Common Sense. Oh, and we each got a … Continue reading A few things…


Ok, So the Flames lost the cup. I’ve gotten over it. Yay Tampa Bay, congratulations. I need to see the movie saved! like I’ve never needed to see anything before. I haven’t been this excited about a Macaulay Culkin movie, well, ever. Also, my roommate is an absolute kook. Just wanted to remind everyone of … Continue reading Recovery

Another Meme

Stolen from Everyone. Answer in the comments. 1. who are you? 2. have we ever met? 3. give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 4. describe me in one word. 5. what reminds you of me? 6. if you could give me anything, what would it be? 7. ever wanted to tell … Continue reading Another Meme

First Day

Ok, first off, when I came home from work today I opened the dishwasher and found a GIGANTIC wolf spider making a break for it. GROSS. I promptly squealed and slammed the dishwasher shut, and turned it on rinse. Stupid springtime in BC and the nasty spiders it brings. Well, now that we’ve got that … Continue reading First Day