15 minutes
As of tonight, I’m the first ever “Employee of the Month” at my place of work. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but it’s nice to be appreciated. Continue reading 15 minutes
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
As of tonight, I’m the first ever “Employee of the Month” at my place of work. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but it’s nice to be appreciated. Continue reading 15 minutes
They’re filming Blade 3 across the street from my work for the next week or so. Today, I saw Wesley Snipes and his stunt double standing on the street waiting between takes. He’s a lot smaller than I figured he would be. That is all. You may now resume your regularly scheduled lives. Continue reading Star Gazing
Already? How did that happen. Continue reading Monday…
I made a mostly introspective post the other day about why I think I stay healthy (emphasis on the “I”) and what works for me when I’m sick. This (may have) triggered a post on geekgirl‘s site about how she’s sick of people harping on her for not taking medications when she’s sick. Now I … Continue reading Are you talkin’ to ME?
Who went shopping this morning and got a new outfit? Me! That’s who! And guess who picked up the Canadian Idol Greatest Moments CD while she was out? Yep, me again! And who’s the sad girl who is letting her new shoes (*shoes* people) sit idle while she listens to the new CD – the … Continue reading Goodies
UPDATE AND DISCLAIMER: Results not typical. Please consult your physician before starting this, or any other diet and/or fitness regimen.
It’s funny, a lot of people I know and have semi-regular contact with are getting sick lately. It actually seems like I’m the only person I know who’s *not* getting ill with something. Strangely enough, it’s not uncommon for me to never actually get “whatever’s going around”.
And I just don’t know why.
I don’t eat well. I don’t exercise on purpose. I don’t get enough sleep most of the time. I abuse my body with alcohol binges every month or so.
And yet I still don’t get sick very often. Sure I come down with a case of the sniffles every now and again, but nothing debilitating, and I never ever vomit unless I’m too drunk or have food poisoning (partially through self-training in my early life that was all about willing myself *not* to vomit because I hate the senstaion so much).
I figure I can only attribute my health to two things:
Continue reading “Sicko”
Making stew, and thinking I’ve totally screwed up and it’s going to be horrible, then putting it in the fridge overnight, only to discover the next morning that it’s actually fantastic! Finally paying off one of two credit cards that still have balances on them. One down, one to go. Finding a piece of heirloom … Continue reading things that make me smile
> You are in the top 8.56% richest people in the world. There are 5,486,272,493 people poorer than you. Continue reading Show me the Money!
For those of you who don’t know, I work for a Premium Business Services Company, and a large part of what we do is telephone answering/messaging services. I’m also a trainer there, so a large part of my job is to hammer the ultimate telephone etiquette into trainees and co-workers. I am now fully incapable … Continue reading Le Telefon
1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed? It certainly is. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be? I fully expect to change my last name when I get married. Other than that, I wouldn’t want to … Continue reading Friday Five
No, not that kind of funk. I woke up in a funk. Just a strange, cranky, dissatisfied mood. I hate these days. Continue reading I got tha Funk
Jen, your subconscious mind is driven most by Kindness You have a deep desire to be kind and fair to others. You are preoccupied with finding kindness in the world around you, far more than you may realize on a conscious level. This makes you unusually empathetic and very sensitive to other people’s feelings. Your … Continue reading Ink Blots
1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most? I hate folding laundry. Probably because I’m usually also doing other household tasks at the same time, and I’m all hot and sweaty and dirty feeling. While that’s going on, there’s nothing worse than drowning in a pile of hot material straight outta the dryer. … Continue reading Friday Five
I was supposed to go to a farewell gathering tonight. Unfortunately, the person in whose honour we were going to get drunk is ill, so the party was cancelled. Quite disappointing. Until I had a chance to go home and catch my breath. Now I can say I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy … Continue reading Party Pooper
I finally have a moment to write, and for those of you who wanted to know, after 10 days of complete and utter bullshit, my mom’s resting comfortably at home.
Unfortunately, she had to endure those 10 days of complete and utter bullshit. I am now deathly afraid of getting sick (pun fully intended). I’ll outline a chronicle of those 10 days so you can see for yourselves what we’re paying doctors and nurses ridiculous salaries for:
(a warning folks, this is long)
Continue reading “Finally, a moment.”