
Seems that everyone I know lately writes poetry. Devon and Arwen have theirs posted online. My roommate even takes time out each day to do some writing.

I used to write poetry, what happened? I guess I got too busy writing academically to want to write for myself anymore. Reading also took the same path. I embraced free time activites that included anything but reading and writing. A shame I think, considering I was even published in a Canadian poetry anthology in Grade 12.

So I’ve decided to go out on a limb and post some poetry I found in a drawer the other day. It’s from years ago (circa 1999), and I’m not sure how I feel about it anymore. One is very Avril Lavigne lyric-esque. The other is blatantly racist, and illustrates some of my frustrations at the time living in a very ethnically cliquey invironment – although racism wasn’t the intent as evidenced in the last verse.

So if you have anything else to say about it, other than the comments I’ve already made, have at ‘er.
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I finally got back into the groove of sending out job applications full force today. I sent out a bunch this morning, one of which was for a company who called back not quite an hour later to set an interview time. Either they’re really desperate, or I’m just that good. Any which way that … Continue reading huh.

10 Layer Dip

Stolen from Heather LAYER ONE: Name: Jennifer Birth date: July 27th, 1980 Birthplace: New Westminster, BC, Canada Current Location: Burnaby, BC Eye Color: Green/Blue Hair Color: Right now, Blonde – naturally, brown Height: 5’6 Righty or Lefty: Righty Zodiac Sign: Leo LAYER TWO: Your heritage: Dutch The shoes you wore today: None yet Your fears: … Continue reading 10 Layer Dip

Bikini Weather

I was out shopping yesterday at Winners, and found the bestest tankini ever. Any woman will understand that a good swimsuit is worth its weight in gold. Thankfully this one was Winners priced. If you saw me break down in the middle of Sportchek and burst out of the changerooms with a cloud of tears, … Continue reading Bikini Weather

It’s been awhile

Well, it hasn’t been that long since I’ve updated, but it feels like it. I kept meaning to – but the time and inclination never seemed to match up until now. My graduation went very well – quite a nice day all around. It was a lovely ceremony (you can still watch it, archived here) … Continue reading It’s been awhile


Being that it’s an absolutely gorgeous day, I went out rollerblading. Being that it’s still absolutely gorgeous, I figured I’d go lay out on the grass and tan. Unfortunately some fucktard figured it’d be a great time to water the lawn. That shit’s gonna burn, asshat. Continue reading Sunshine

Slow News Day

So for reasons still unknown to myself, I was up at 6:00am again, and watching the BCTV Morning News on Global, because it’s the only thing on that doesn’t suck. The only thing is, they basically repeat the same thing over and over every 20 minutes or so. I don’t think it’s the kind of … Continue reading Slow News Day

For Devon

Because nobody updates on Sundays. I really don’t have anything to say, so I’ll ramble off a few random things. It’s my anniversary! I’ve had a meaningful, loving relationship for 3 whole years! Not that I’m saying it to rub it in to anyone who’s single – it’s more out of surprise that I was … Continue reading For Devon

Friday Five

1. What do you most want to be remembered for?
Being a genuinely good person. I’m not sure if I’m there yet, but I know I’m trying.

2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life?
“never never never give up” – Winston Churchill

3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year?
Getting my BA

4. What about the past ten years?
Considering that I’ve spent most of the past 10 years in the process leading up to my achievement this year, see #3.

5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say?
No matter what anyone ever says or does to you, always be good, and maintain your integrity. That doesn’t mean you should let yourself get stomped on, but never stoop to that slimy level of pointless retribution and taking advantage of others.

This all reminds me of a little conversation I had with myself this morning…
Continue reading “Friday Five”

Stomach Ache?

If there were an opportunity to use trackback now, I would. Donna got the common cold, and I have a hankering for a stomach ache (I’d actually like to have the flu, and a sore throat, and the cold too). So who’s with me? If we all order together, we can save on the shipping … Continue reading Stomach Ache?


I seem to have gone overboard on a few things today. 1. Sleeping – I slept for about 14 hours, I didn’t need the extra sleep, I was just lazy. 2. Cleaning – Not really a bad thing to go overboard on, but my apartment (except my roommate’s room) is now completely sanitized. 3. Blogrolling … Continue reading Overboard