bum wars

I have just come to the realization that I am a bum. I do not take well to the life of a bum. Bums can feel okay sitting around all day, watching tv, eating convenience food, and accomplishing as little as possible. Like a bum, I engage in all of these activities on a (now) … Continue reading bum wars


I’m not entirely sure how to feel about the Canucks right now. Before you bandwagon riders call me a traitor, or you non-fans call me a bandwagon-jumper-on-and-offer I will say that I’ve always been a fan, just not a fanatic. I always hope for the best, but I am a realist. In any case, I’d … Continue reading Canuckleheads

Oh. My. God.

As a nice complement to the end of school, I ended up with Bon Jovi tickets to his show in Seattle for the day after my last exams. I’ve just gotta say, he was ABSOLUTELY FRICKIN AMAZING! That man could have played three 2 hour concerts and had enough material and energy to keep the … Continue reading Oh. My. God.


I handed in my last exams today. That means I am done. Not the kind of “two weeks off until summer semester/job” done that I’ve been used to for the majority of my life – just done. My degree requirements are complete, and I convocate on June 5. Until then, I have no plans, just … Continue reading Final


You know you’ve been a student too long when you are willing to drink old, stale, and/or cold coffee – and have even built up enough of a tolerance to it that you can call it “not bad.” Also, I need a really basic online portfolio page where I can post my resume and some … Continue reading Caffeinated

Friday Five

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and it’s not quite Friday here yet, but whatever. 1. What was the first band you saw in concert? Smashing Pumpkins – Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Tour 1996. The tickets were a birthday present from my boyfriend at the time, and boy was I … Continue reading Friday Five

Smiling Budda

Seems the Gods of all things academic (and otherwise) are smiling on me. The deadline for the paper that I’ve been procrastinating on has been extended until Wednesday. This means that I don’t have to try to write it in a fury this morning, or take any late penalties for handing it in tomorrow. I … Continue reading Smiling Budda

Moody Blues

I hate mood swings. In the past couple days I have gone from being absolutely elated – feeling on top of the world – to hating everything. I can’t really pin it on anything other than the fact that I’m due for another blast of hormones in the next little while, but I still think … Continue reading Moody Blues


I watched 8 mile last night – the only complaint – I wish it were longer. I thought the sex scene between Eminem and Brittney Murphy was one of the dirtiest (without actually exposing any compromising flesh) that I’ve seen in quite some time. Cheddar Bob was a great, endearing character – and his persona … Continue reading Threads