A Glimpse
CRAZY CAT LADY PLAYMOBIL FROM GROC!! Originally uploaded by Rakka. Via Popgadget, a glimpse into my future… Oh, and for the record, I’m not eschewing men for felines. Yet… Continue reading A Glimpse
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
CRAZY CAT LADY PLAYMOBIL FROM GROC!! Originally uploaded by Rakka. Via Popgadget, a glimpse into my future… Oh, and for the record, I’m not eschewing men for felines. Yet… Continue reading A Glimpse
Dating is hard. There, I said it. I love being single, the potential of a new adventure with an as-yet-unmet Prince Charming, the freedom of painting the town and shamelessly flirting without remorse, and ultimately not having to think of the well-being of anyone but myself at the end of my day. I do not … Continue reading Very Special Entry: Blogs, Dating & Shameless Self-Promotion
Thank you all! We’ve just hit the 50-delurked commentors mark (the “comments” count is a tad misleading, since it also counts trackbacks), so your Very Special Entry is coming up tomorrow (er… later today… I can’t sleep…)! Stay tuned…. Continue reading Thank You!
A couple of totally unrelated things I just wanted to throw out there for the masses while I wait for the last five delurkers to show their faces so I can post the Very Special Entry. 1. If you have set your clock radio as your alarm, and you have it set to wake you … Continue reading Tidbits
Babies, you’re far too good to me! Thirty-five of you have managed to delurk and say hello in just one day! I’m hoping the other 15 delurkers I’m looking for can manage to comment soon (either on this entry or the previous one), because I’ve got a very special entry all ready to go for … Continue reading delurking redux
So it’s delurking week. This means, COMMENT! Say hi if you read this. I promise I don’t bite! Now I don’t expect something for nothing, so let’s say if I can get… 50 individual commentors to say hello on this entry, I’ll post something very special for all y’all. How’s that sound? Ok now, hop … Continue reading delurking week
A series of things I’ve been meaning to write about, but haven’t yet, so here are links to the pictures instead: My friend Jesse came into town for a couple weeks, and he seems to be the glue that holds a certain group of people together, so we congregated a few times for bowling, food, … Continue reading State of the Union
Seems this whole “living alone” thing has addled my brain. Instead of doing what I normally do, except alone, I’ve turned into a total bachelor. Not bachelorette… bachelor. A list of things I have done, that I am not proud of, so far this month: 1. Made Kraft Dinner with cut up hot dogs and … Continue reading She’s the Man
I toyed with posting this, as it’s a bit risqué for what I’d normally post here, however I find it too amusing NOT to blog. But I will include a bit of a warning: This post contains adult subject matter. Continue reading at your own risk! Asterisks have been used to try and protect me … Continue reading 2006 – In with a Bang!
What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before? I acquired this wee domain early in 2005 – I’d never owned one of my very own before. I also learned how to Row this year. Other than that, I spent a lot of the year rediscovering some passions I hadn’t been spending enough … Continue reading Year in Review
Ray’s outta here.
Locks are Changed.
I am currently dancing naked through the middle of everywhere.
Life is grand! Continue reading “GONE!!!”
Courtesy of the fabulous Ms. Raspberry. I may send out a few of these once I regain consciousness on the other side of New Year’s: ———————————————- Dear Mr. / Mrs. ___________ I am writing to apologize for my ________ behaviour the other night, and i hope that despite everything, you can find it in your … Continue reading Pre-Emptive Strike
Why I need to be rid of my damn roommate. I just got out of the shower (yes, at 2:48pm.. it’s vacation!). I am covered in lotion that is absorbing. I am thirsty. I can either get my robe all sticky and gooey with lotion remnants, and go get some water, or sit here and … Continue reading Reason #987134
Thanks to everyone who commented on the last entry. It seems clear that Ray should indeed foot the entire bill for refinishing the room. So I had a painter in for an estimate today. The verdict: $200. Coincidentally, the exact amount of Ray’s deposit. How serendipitous. The painter didn’t even know beforehand! So now Ray … Continue reading Tabulated Results
I just informed Ray that he’s going to have to pay for the refinishing of his room. He’s obviously not pleased about it. (Reminder of the state of Ray’s walls here.) I’ve yet to get a painter in for an estimate, but I’ve told Ray that the cost of filling the holes and painting the … Continue reading Vote!