And so it goes

And just like that, it’s all pretty much over. Gifts have been given and received, family’s come and gone, food’s been created and consumed. I’m currently curled up in one of two new sets of cozy pj’s, reflecting on the holiday. I got my very own Christmas miracle this year, and managed to be left … Continue reading And so it goes


Well, I’ve made it back to the homestead. Did a little last-minute shopping with dad, a little last-minute baking with mom, a little drinking and commisserating with the brothers, and it looks like I’ve got nothing left to do but relax and enjoy myself from here on in. Hope your holidays are happy, wherever you … Continue reading Home

The Diva

That’s the car’s new name. She’s been upgraded from J’Lo. Because she’s just THAT demanding. Now that I am a little over $900 poorer the car seems to be running well. The mechanic is so convinced his work is going to hold (he refused to say one way or the other before it was done) … Continue reading The Diva


I have recently discovered that if someone says “you’re such a great catch” (occasionally preceeded by “I don’t know why you’re single, because…) I am likely to be overcome with an insatiable urge to cause them bodily harm. That is all. Carry on. Continue reading Trigger

The Drop Off

Ever since reading He’s Just Not That Into You I’ve been pretty blase about guys who don’t call back. Virtually everyone I’ve dated in the past year has just “stopped calling” at some point (a few because I ripped them apart on the world wide web and they took the hint), and it was all … Continue reading The Drop Off

Drip Drip Drop

Why is it that the first day my car’s outta commission and I can’t work from home so I have to take the peasant wagon (read: mass transit) to work it starts to rain and doens’t look like it’ll stop any time soon? Three point five more days until eleven off. P.S. I’m not actually … Continue reading Drip Drip Drop


Merry Christmas, my car is a lemon. What do you do when life hands you lemons? Blog about it. Apparently, the underlying issue that’s been causing my car to need constant attention is that the crankshaft is damaged. Fixing that requires a rebuild of the engine. Goodbye $1500! I didn’t need that vacation anyway. But … Continue reading Hosed.

Santa Fox?

I know it’s a looooooong long shot, but is there anyone out there who actually has a modicum of desire to see the Theory of a Deadman, Armchair Cynics, Hurst & Faber show at the Commodore tonight? I picked up a pair of tickets a while ago, and am met with responses ranging from mild … Continue reading Santa Fox?


The Holiday bug has officially gotten me! Every day this week the mail’s held a wee bit of cheer! Christmas Cards, the 12 Months of Chuck calendar I ordered, and my Secret Santa Gift! And nothing puts me in the festive mood like listening to Dean Martin croon “Baby its Cold Outside” on repeat all … Continue reading Bitten!