
I think I’ve figured out how to put up with the next 6 weeks of Surly Ray. Stay Drunk. For his surliness is only going to increase over the next few weeks, as he tries to study for term exams & find a new home. And especially when I tell him that he’s going to … Continue reading Solution

Last Straw

Time for another Ray-ism. Do we remember Ray’s reluctance to downsize to one garbage can in the bathroom? Well his bizarre inability to deal with such things has now transferred to the Brita. I’ve had a 1.5L Brita pitcher for a long time – I purchased it when I first moved out on my own, … Continue reading Last Straw

Tire Biter?

This one’s for the boys. Hear that boys? I have a problem! This is where you solve it in the comments! Isn’t that what your species does when us wimmens complain? Ok, hop to it… In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a girl. The other thing you may not have noticed is that I like … Continue reading Tire Biter?


I took J’Lo out to the parentals today to change the oil (yes, I do it myself) and give her a good scrubdown. The Mr.Clean Auto-whatchamacallit car washing system can KISS MY WHITE ASS. It sucks. It would suck a lot less if the 18-frillion connections between it and the hose didn’t leak and spray … Continue reading Stall.

Happy Ho Ho!

Oh my lovelies! I can not refrain any longer! IT’S CHRISTMAS SEASON! I do my best to make it past Rememberance Day, so that I can honour our Veterans without shadows of Silver and Gold creeping in to the day. Sometimes I even make it past my Mom’s birthday on November 28th, so she doesn’t … Continue reading Happy Ho Ho!


Thank you my babies! You’re all lovely and wonderful and I know you’re all with me when it counts! Between a good cry, a good sleep, and all of your supportive comments and emails, I feel a frillion times better. I would like to give each of you kisses and diamonds and hundreds of hundred … Continue reading Buzzing


I just did something monumentally stupid. I told a friend that I love him. That Way Goodbye Friendship, Hello Rejection! I really don’t make a habit of doing this. While I’ll sometimes have revolving crushes on friends and acquaintances, they usually fade pretty quickly. I’ve never felt strongly enough about anyone to put a friendship … Continue reading Splat


Here’s a hint for all y’all, cuz I’m nice like that. When you’re thinking that before bed you need to a) suffer through the dental death that is Crest Whitestrips for 30 minutes and b) take some ibuprofin for this wicked, killer, mean and nasty headache you’ve got going on… Well maybe you wanna do … Continue reading Tip

La La Land

I’m getting a little nervous about the State of the Union in my home. I’m losing faith that Ray will actually be making his exodus at the end of 2005 instead of mid-2006. He was planning on moving in with a friend of his, but that fell through. Apparently the friend was “asking too much … Continue reading La La Land

RHS #13 – Use your words, unless you don’t know them, then don’t.

This is a quickie, but I have a huge pet-peeve with people who misuse words and language. I physically want to claw my eardrums out whenever I hear people use the words irregardless or orientate – yes, they’re recognized on as “slang versions” of regardless or orient, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct or … Continue reading RHS #13 – Use your words, unless you don’t know them, then don’t.

Buff the Stuff

Since my usual gym is undergoing renovations, I’ve been a) slacking off and b) occasionally venturing out to another gym when I feel like I can’t take the sloth any more. Turns out the “other gym” is actually Colene’s gym. Oh my god everything she says about the place is TRUE. The prissy girls, the … Continue reading Buff the Stuff

The Curse

Canucks fans, I am sorry. I’m cursed. You see, every game I watch, the Canucks manage to pull it off and win – occasionally in spectacular fashion and against some very strong odds! And the games I don’t watch – they manage to even blow what should be sure things. It’s gotten completely out of … Continue reading The Curse