Haircut Entry

November hair Originally uploaded by peechie. In lieu of actual content, I bring you my latest and greatest hair creation. Well, not my creation – I pay someone else exhorbitant amounts to create my coif. Still, I’m diggin on it. Also, my stylist (Lisa @ AXIS) keeps handing me cards for 50% off a cut … Continue reading Haircut Entry


I woke up a couple days ago with a headache that would. not. leave. I figured it was just because I’d dehydrated myself partying a little too hard or something – what with the hockey games and concerts and work and rowing and bad weather and not going outside and yadda yadda yadda. I figured … Continue reading Pre-View


What on earth will I ever do!?! The talented and charming Tony Pierce will be gracing our fine, fine city this weekend. He’s also been gracious enough to invite one and all to join him at the Granville Room this evening for a blogger/buzznetter meetup. On one side of the coin, I’m so excited that … Continue reading Dilemma

Holy Thursday

Today is a very important day. It marks the first evening I’ve spent at home in more than a week! Despite the fact that in mid-September I was assuring myself that finally October would be a time to relax it’s now November and uh.. where did October go? Oy. At least I don’t have any … Continue reading Holy Thursday


Happy Halloween! The only thing better than halloween is the day after, when all the candy will be half off at the stores. My weekend was insane. Thanks to Clamb & Heidi for having us over, and thanks to my body for staying vertical after rowing 8.5kms long enough to make it home and into … Continue reading Things

With Room

I am a morning person. Sortof. I do love being up early, making coffee, watching the world start to wake up around me. In fact, I strongly believe that a road trip isn’t a road trip unless it begins before sunrise. I only wish I could actually FUNCTION in the mornings I love so much. … Continue reading With Room


I have just discovered something very, VERY upsetting. Having not used Windows 2000 for a number of years, it took a bit of getting used to at this job. But no matter. I keep plugging along on the inferior OS because I’m stoic like that. But I just came to a startling realization: Windows 2000 … Continue reading Discovery


There’s a documentary airing on CBC Newsworld tomorrow night regarding the use of Crystal Meth in a small Canadian town. It’s the town I went to high school in – Hope BC. I know all three families that are portrayed in the show. I’m not sure how accurate a portrayal of small town life it … Continue reading Docu-Drama


It appears my website broke itself. I promise I didn’t touch anything – I blame elves. Hooray for the people at (my superfantastic host) for fixing it for me within about 15 minutes! My admin page is still all borked, so if anyone wants to get together and fix it with me, I’d be … Continue reading Oops.