One Degree

Vancouver is a small, small city. I went out on a date with another someone from Lavalife this past weekend, and it turns out he’s a recent ex of a local blogger I “know.” Not that we know eachother offline at all, but we’ve been reading, and occasionally commenting on eachother’s blogs for the better … Continue reading One Degree


And lo, I have dubbed today “Emo Friday.” I am in a mood thanks to my ladyparts, and it’s grey outside, and it’s chilly, and the leaves are falling off the trees, and I saw a very good but very sobering movie last night (Lord of War), and can you think of anything better to … Continue reading T.G.I.E.F

Open Letter

To the Stunned Cunt in the Parking Garage: Considering I was carrying a huge mesh sack of laundry, two large (heavy!) Ikea bags full of stuff, a 5′ long cardboard poster tube, had a purse slung over one shoulder, and an overnight bag over the other, and had the exhausted look of one who has … Continue reading Open Letter

Good, Better, Best

What’s Good? Slipping on my much neglected Canucks Jersey, because HOCKEY’S BACK KIDS! What’s Better? Wandering through the streets of Vancouver with it on, sharing the home-team cameraderie with my fellow fans. Knowing glances, smiles, and even the occasional high-five from complete strangers – it does a body good! What’s Best? Talking to the strangers, … Continue reading Good, Better, Best


Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been 3 weeks since my last decent meal, and I have ingested the following chemical compounds in place of real food: -Sapporo Ichiban, chicken flavour -Pillsbury Pizza Pops, bacon & pepperoni flavour -Microwave Burritos, bean & cheese flavour -Kraft Dinner -Pub food in many varieies, more commonly … Continue reading Confession

Condensed Soup

The biggest problem with having a life is that while I’m out living it, I start writing all of these fabulous blog posts in my head about what or whom I’m seeing or doing – then someone shoves a 4th or 5th drink in my direction, and I end up getting drunk, taking blurry pictures … Continue reading Condensed Soup

Title & Registration

It’s a meme! Now with 98% more Angst! I’m not actually this dark – but the music I chose is. Just go with it. Bands // Song Titles Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: Nine Inch Nails Are you female or male:: La Mer Describe yourself:: The Perfect … Continue reading Title & Registration

Imagery: Redux

Remember a while back when I asked readers to comment regarding images they thought of when they saw the word “Indepencence”? I was fishing for ideas that struck me as unique, useful, or interesting for a tattoo. I’ve been specifically trying to think about something that would go with a Lion image, or any of … Continue reading Imagery: Redux