The Reason

If the TiVo post didn’t tip you off, I have an unhealthy relationship with TV. I watch a LOT of it. Case in point: My Sunday Night Lineup. 5:00pm – 6:00pm West Wing (Eastern Broadcast) 6:00pm – 7:00pm Desperate Housewives (Eastern Broadcast) 7:00pm – 8:00pm Law & Order CI 8:00pm – 9:00pm Cold Case 9:00pm … Continue reading The Reason


Temperatures that is. I broke last night, and wore pyjammas to bed just so I wouldn’t literally freeze my ass off while I was sleeping. Today, my pretty pink toenails are hidden underneath socks and runners for the first time since May-ish. I’m also wearing jeans and long sleeves. I even have the space-heater on … Continue reading Falling

Rock On

It will probably come as very little surprise to people, but I Row. This is not to be confused with dragonboating or kayaking or outrigger canoeing – those are all paddling sports. If you insist on disagreeing with me, I’m fully prepared to give you an intimate introduction to the differences in equipment. Anyway, I … Continue reading Rock On


A wee tidbit about me that some of you may not know: When I feel cranky, I shop. I’ve always had magpie eyes, and few things bring a glimmer of joy to my heart like something shiny and new. This is the part where, if I were a popular blogger, some troll would psychobabble me … Continue reading Shopaholic

One Night

One Night in Canadian Rock ‘n’ Roll. I swear, this shit just does not happen to people! Except it did! After being stuck at work for faaaar too long, I raced down to the Red Room hoping that the tickets I had to see the Armchair Cynics and the Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir would still … Continue reading One Night

PPV Poll

It’s good to be excited (rather than annoyed) by hockey again. In addition to attending some of the games, I wanted to put feelers out there for who may be interested in making my place a Pay Per View game destination. My TV is a modest 27″ but I do have digital cable, a pretty … Continue reading PPV Poll

Monday Joke

When your roommate wakes you up an hour before your alarm is set to go off on Monday morning, sometimes a laugh is the only thing standing between you, and the big kitchen knives…. —————————————————- An old Arab lives close to New York City. He would love to plant potatoes in his garden, but he … Continue reading Monday Joke


Preamble: Ever since Ray moved in, we’ve had two garbage cans in the bathroom. It honestly just offended some delicate sensitiblity I hold, so today I made the move, and took one away. The following exchange commenced once Ray noticed: Ray: So uh… Jen… I was just in the uh… bathroom… Self: And? Self thinking: … Continue reading Ray-ism

Concert Buddy?

In an effort to thwart the last-minute finding of a fellow concert attendee, I figured I’d put it out there that I’m still open to finding someone to go with me to the following shows: Nine Inch Nails with Queens of the Stone Age, Pacific Coliseum, Monday September 26th – $90/ticket Green Day with Jimmy … Continue reading Concert Buddy?