
*Thanks to for this one! Go to, and do a search on the most popular 100 songs from the year you graduated high school. (You can do this by searching on the year you graduated). Bold the ones you actually like. (Understand that the word “like” in this case means, at the very … Continue reading Audiophile

Ridiculously High Standard #10 – I am not the sum of my blog posts

When oh when will I learn. Never date someone who has read your blog – unless they are a blogger themselves and understand the medium. And even then beware. BUT ESPECIALLY NEVER DATE SOMEONE WHO’S READ YOUR BLOG WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND THE MEDIUM. I met someone a little while back, and we casually chatted for … Continue reading Ridiculously High Standard #10 – I am not the sum of my blog posts


Here’s a game for all y’all at home. Play along if you wanna indulge me. I’m going to type a word, and you’re going to comment with the first image that comes into your head. Ready? The word is: independent. Now, if the first image you thought of relates to American symbolism, discard that idea, … Continue reading Imagery


Gosh darn it life has caught up with me all of the sudden. I don’t even have the energy to respond to email, let alone write blog posts. So here is a baby seal to entertain you. Oh, I also got a camera phone – so maybe there’ll be something entertaining in my flickr feed … Continue reading Splat

Book Worms?

On the off chance that any readers know this kind of thing: I have an educational (science – biology) children’s story that I think I want to pitch to a publisher. Depending on whether or not I can handle the rejection when they tell me it sucks. If I can get over myself, does anyone … Continue reading Book Worms?

Mob Mentality

Check out this guy’s blog He’s been writing about surviving in New Orleans during the Hurricane (which apparently wasn’t so bad) and the Aftermath (which is like the freakin’ apocalypse). Of course, this is just one guy’s blog, but hot damn, people are going Crazy! I haven’t heard much in the mainstream media about how … Continue reading Mob Mentality


Last weekend I made a run for the border, quite literally, and took a last-minute trip down to Bellingham to stock up on some goods I can only obtain in America. Even though the countries are practically kissing cousins, according to the American-but-Permanent-Canadian-Resident friend I went with, I was SO OBVIOUSLY CANADIAN that I may … Continue reading North/South


This housesitting thing has been really nice. Housesitting I have my laptop, a cat, tv, food, beer, books. Back at home I have a high strung roommate, clutter, papers to be filed, bills to pay, laundry to iron and fold. I also left the house in a state of really needing to be dusted, vacuumed, … Continue reading Homey

Chick Exposure Rate

Alternate title: what happens when A Beautiful Mind meets Everquest. “Right now my focus is on one of my stats that I call CER – my Chick Exposure Rate. See, as my CER increases, my probability of performing a critical hit (getting a date) dramatically increases. It’s just a matter of simple statisti-” Davis then … Continue reading Chick Exposure Rate

Full of Shit

Remember a while back, when I talked about my physical type? And that part where I said all of those were negotiable, and don’t really matter? I think I lied. Because as much as I may get along with guys of all shapes, sizes and colours, a pair of big chocolate coloured eyes, on a … Continue reading Full of Shit