Friday Cuteness
EXTREME CUTENESS AHEAD! Cats in Sinks You’ve been warned. Continue reading Friday Cuteness
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
EXTREME CUTENESS AHEAD! Cats in Sinks You’ve been warned. Continue reading Friday Cuteness
I went to a wine tasting last night (oh god, I’m becoming one of those people) and just wanted to do a little brain dump on some of the notables: Stickleback White (Semillon, Chardonnay, Verdelho): it’s being marketed as “Fresh Crisp Zesty” and that’s exactly what this wine is. Stands up well to extreme chilling, … Continue reading Bottles & Bangers
Step 1: go download Google Talk. Step 2: add me as a contact (peechie [at] gmail [dot] com). Step 3: chill and enjoy! Continue reading Talk to me Goose
54-40 T-Shirt Originally uploaded by peechie. At the Spelunking Club, there are a number of private events that take place. Last night there was a “win to get in” concert and wine tasting sponsored by one of the local radio stations, and 54-40 were the feature entertainment. Of course, I didn’t win to get in … Continue reading Perk
I have no internet at work. I can’t connect to my work email at home. My job is about to spontaneously combust. Help. (UPDATE: Aug. 24 5:45pm – things are finally fixed. Fscking technology. Continue reading Broken
I was going to spend most of the evening putting together a really great photo entry documenting everything I did between Saturday and today, including new tires, new shoes, a great dinner, good friends, good wine, a picnic, a cat, a nap, a seal, and new books. But my camera battery died. So you get … Continue reading Dead
It’s Friday night. I managed to get eleventy frillion loose ends tied up at work today. I got my hair done. I went swimming. I had drinks and dinner on a patio with friends. I am now watching TV, covered in cat. Success. Continue reading Mission Accomplished
While I’m not ready to say that it sucks being single (because HELLO! It’s kinda fabulous!), occasionally it’s inconvenient. One of those inconveniences is attending weddings. I’ve got an RSVP card for myself and “guest” that I need to get back to the betrothed in a week. Do I bother with a guest? Even though … Continue reading Wedding Bells
Coming back from lunch today, we ended up taking a wee detour past Second Beach Pool. Sadly, we didn’t stop to go for a swim… but it was mighty tempting. Now it’s all I can think about. So tomorrow after work, I figure I’ll hit either Second Beach Pool or Kits Pool. Who’s with me?!?!? … Continue reading Dip
For someone who is so Type A, I strangely hate making appointments. Sure, I can make plans – and usually do (the volume of places to be and people to see on my calendar is enough to frighten most people). However, appointments? Hate them. Mostly (I think) because I’m at the mercy of someone else’s … Continue reading Appointed
I need a vacation. That is all. Continue reading Brain Break
Starting tomorrow, I’ll be off for 2.5 weeks, housesitting for dearheart and her fiancee while they zip halfway around the world so she can suck up to her future mother-in-law (kidding! I’m sure there’s no sucking up necessary!). Although I won’t be far from home, I don’t plan on returning to my apartment to replenish … Continue reading Procrastinatrix
Hey, you! Yes you, the hundred or so extra people who swung by yesterday to check out what I had to say. Hi! Welcome! Can I get you a drink? Now, I know every once in a while I write something remarkable, and get some extra visitors, and some of you even stick around for … Continue reading Tap Tap Tap…
Does anyone know of a skilled and honest mechanic within the Downtown/Burnaby/North Shore area? My car needs a tune-up, and I just don’t have the time to get out to the home of the parental units and take care of it with dear ol’ Dad. Last time it needed some sort of repair, I tried … Continue reading Mechanically Inclined
Thanks to going hardcore with the extracurricular activities, I’m in a world of hurt today. It’s the hurts-so-good kinda hurt, but still… ow. So why is it that I’ve been sitting around whining since about 8:00am, and just now (at 3:37pm) realized that hey, maybe I should take some Advil? Obviously because I am a … Continue reading Ouch.