Fashion Police

To Pleat, or Not to Pleat. That is the Question! Here’s the answer: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, NO! Ok, so the answer is a bit more complicated than that. The wearing of pleats by men (because women should really never wear pleated pants, period!) is a tricky art that should only be … Continue reading Fashion Police

Ridiculously High Standard #9: Don’t Prented to Be Something You’re Not

The major reason for the spontaneous combustion of the not-quite-relationship I just got out of, was the gross misrepresentation on the part of the guy (let’s call him Mike, cuz that’s his name, and I told you that already) about exactly who he is and what he’s about. Let’s just say that when we discussed … Continue reading Ridiculously High Standard #9: Don’t Prented to Be Something You’re Not

Me Time

Holy crap, I am crazy amounts of busy these days. Seems like I’m not the only one though. I just made a dinner date with a friend, and we had to make it for nearly two weeks away! Sheesh. I don’t really mind it though, having things to do and people to see makes me … Continue reading Me Time

Ode to a Roommate

Things have settled in now, and I thought it was worth mentioning that I’ve actually grown quite fond of my roommate. While he’s still kinda nutso, it’s an endearing kinda nutso. My kinda nutso. A few recent incidents that make me smile: •When he was loading the dishwasher, he asked me to help him with … Continue reading Ode to a Roommate

Ridiculously High Standard #8: Please don’t have crazy friends!

After last night’s Foo Fighters concert, new guy and I met up for a quick minute with a good friend of his (we had been holding their stuff as we were in the stands and they were on the standing only floor). It was like a page out of the soap-opera bar-star days all over again. Very odd. Very disconcerting. (More after the jump if your feed isn’t indicating that.)
Continue reading “Ridiculously High Standard #8: Please don’t have crazy friends!”

Release the Hounds

I am not the most well endowed girl in the world. In fact, I am a card-carrying memeber of the IBTC. It used to bother me. A lot. Thankfully, growing up has also come with a healthy dose of body confidence. I now don’t give a damn about my breasts, or lack thereof. And thanks … Continue reading Release the Hounds


Five Minutes of writing – no breaks, no edits. Ready? Go. I’m really not feeling well at all these days. Obviously because I haven’t been taking care of myself in the least. My body feels like I’ve been kicked in the junk 95% of the time. My anxiety is back, and I’ve resorted to medication … Continue reading Free-Form


Back at it after a gruelling and ultimately awesome long weekend. But not until after I stopped by my old place of employ to say hi to some of my old co-workers. The conversations went a little like this: Former Coworkers (FC): Wow, you look fantastic! The new job must agree with you! Me: Yah, … Continue reading Grind

Lights, Camera, Action!

There’s a film crew shooting a commercial at the Spelunking Club today. From what I’ve seen of location sets, the crews seem to be pretty used to having the run of the place, and not worrying much about anyone else while they’re there. At least, that’s how this crew is acting about the club. They’ve … Continue reading Lights, Camera, Action!

Franken Dog

My uncle’s beloved weiner dog Merlin ended up with a ruptured disc in his back. Thankfully it looks like he’ll be ok, so I don’t feel bad about giggling at how he looks like frankendog with all the metal staples. For a better look, open it up in flickr and check out the full-size version. Continue reading Franken Dog