UI Complaint

Dear Website Designers, I love cookies. I am a cookie monster! They make life easier, and I’m a fan of anything that makes life easier. However, they are designed to work a certain way. When you have that little “remember me” button to check, it should be UNCHECKED when I visit your website. If I … Continue reading UI Complaint

Deep Thought

As I watched highlights of the Space Shuttle Discovery launch this morning, my first thought was a pretty typical “how cool is this.” But my second thought was “You know, there’s gotta be more than a few people out there somewhere who think the shuttle is named ‘Discovery’ because it’s sponsored by the Discovery Channel.” … Continue reading Deep Thought

25 things

Stolen from Hessie 01. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what’s the first thing you look at? my eyes 02. How much cash do you have on you? $19.34 03. What’s a word that rhymes with “TEST”? nest 04. Favorite plant? bamboo 05. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list … Continue reading 25 things


One of the more prevalent fitness questions I get asked is how I manage to maintain the “Ass that Doesn’t Quit.” A lot of it is just plain good genetics, but a big part of it is that I almost always take the stairs. Usually I don’t mind the stairs, a lot of the time … Continue reading Chillin’

Driving Miss Daisy

My life has been consumed by wanderlust. If anyone needs a ride somewhere in the next little while, I’m still excited enough about being able to actually GO PLACES with relative EASE AND COMFORT that I’ll probably take you almost anywhere for the low, low price of gas. Yes, I know that with the price … Continue reading Driving Miss Daisy

Safety Girl

I put 200kms on the new car today. I am drunk on mobility. It’s amazing how small the city just got. It was quite fun to show up at the home of the parental units randomly. They live about 70kms away, so they were very surprised when I showed up without warning. They were obviously … Continue reading Safety Girl

amazing grace

philosophy: how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. and, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word. grace. it’s how you accept … Continue reading amazing grace


Quick note to say I just… just got in from the monthly Vancouver Webloggers Meetup. And I couldn’t wait to blog about it. How sad is that. But I digress… It was really great to catch up with Jamie and get to know him a bit better, as well as finally meet Matt. And engage … Continue reading Meat-Space


I think the car has a name: J’lo, the big booty ho. How did this come about? I’ll let the IM log speak for itself: todd: what kind is it? peechie: ’96 geo metro, white todd: teardrop style? peechie: yes, except no – it’s a 4 door sedan, so it has a trunk. todd: trunks … Continue reading J’Lo


I’m just taking a break from this very busy thing called life to remind you of something very important: It is exactly one week until my birthday. You may now commence preparations for extravagent gifting. Other than that, I’ve been working a lot, sleeping a lot and lusting over my car. She’s still at the … Continue reading Countdown