Q: How do you know you’re really hungry? A: When the people at the sushi place give you two sets of chopsticks for the take-out you ordered just for yourself. Continue reading Dinner
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
Q: How do you know you’re really hungry? A: When the people at the sushi place give you two sets of chopsticks for the take-out you ordered just for yourself. Continue reading Dinner
Seeing as some of you are starting to ask, I figured I’d take a few moments to fill you all in that the spelunking coordination is all falling into place. The craziness I knew I was getting into from having people who were more into the spelunking than the coordination thereof doing this job for … Continue reading Update, or something…
Today’s my first official day as Spelunking Coordinator, and I must say, it’s as bad and as good as I expected. Things are freakishly messy and disorganized, which I expected. But I’ve got an action plan to get it all under control. Now if only I knew what the heck I was talking about when … Continue reading Let the Craziness Commence
Hey Look! A meme! I’m this bored, and still have 2.5 days of time off ahead of me. I predict all sorts of no good going on.
Continue reading “Alphabet Soup”
(Have you clued in yet that I’ve decided I’d rather blog than work today?) The Good My co-workers just presented me with a going away card and a Chapters gift card. How sweet! I’m all verklempt. The Bad Actually no, the sniffles are from the allergies, which (like the sunshine) have returned with a vengence. … Continue reading The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Just a note to anyone who may be interested: I’ll be having drinks at Steamworks this evening, to celebrate the leaving of the job. I should be there by 5-ish, show up anytime during the evening if you’re so inclined for some fine beverages and finer company. The more the merrier. Continue reading Mmmm Steamy
If you don’t currently peruse The Morning News at least once a week (especially the Non-Expert column), you’re definitely missing out. Today they bring us 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover Simon’s song, from 1975’s Still Crazy After All These Years, quotes some mysterious woman as saying there must be 50 ways to leave your … Continue reading Another 45
And here it is… my last day at the unrewarding cube-farm. For those who were wondering, my better judgement won out this morning, and the kahlua stayed home. And now I bring to you, the LAST DAY OF THIS DAMN JOB RANDOM 10! Lots of repeats from the last couple weeks I’m sure, because I … Continue reading I’m Outta Here Random 10
So… a note to all the granola crunchers who say Nuclear Power is a Bad Idea, and cite Chernobyl as evidence…. EXPOSURE TO RADIATION MAKES CHILDREN SMARTER, STRONGER, FASTER, BETTER! I’m totally hitting up the dentist for a few more xrays this year, and permanently strapping my cellphone to my head. Perhaps I’ll even rig … Continue reading Take me to your Leader
I’ve been tagged with the 3 things meme. Check the extended entry for the answers.
The sale of the company I’m about to no longer work for closed as of this morning (if you’re just tuning in, I just quit – so the sale has zero bearing on me whatsoever). And the lemmings, they are ANXIOUS! And also FRIGHTENED! Which means I am currently very, very amused. This is the … Continue reading Raise Your Hand if You’re Absent
After days of hearing the hype, I just watched the Paris Hilton Carl’s Jr. commercial. Meh. For those not in the know, the commercial consists of Paris in a Bikini, washing a Bentley and chowing on a Carl’s Jr. burger of some sort. She’s a pretty girl and all, but falls far short of that … Continue reading That’s Hot
Can anyone point me to a resource of some sort that will show me how to edit the ID tags on my mp3s? Thanks. Continue reading Help
There’s a part of me that wants to spend this last week at the job I’m leaving just fucking the dog and not doing much of anything. Then there’s the other part of me that wants to blaze through all the work I possibly can (which is a fairly ridiculous amount), just to shove it … Continue reading Flip Flop
This is old news, but Pearl Jam is coming to town in September, and tickets go on sale this weekend. Thing is, every time I hear a reminder about the upcoming show I get excited. For about half a second. And then I remember what year it is. And realize that the show is coming … Continue reading Lemon Yellow Sun