
Pillow Talk Originally uploaded by peechie. Sometimes it’s hard being so fabulous. It has the potential to get me into far too much trouble. And then feelings get hurt and nobody’s happy. At least the note on the pillow was sweet. Continue reading Trouble

FLASH! aah aahhhhhh

Even though I knew I had to be at work no later than 7:00am today, I stayed up until about 11:00pm with my roommate and brother, sitting on the balcony watching the (all too rare around these parts) thunder & lightening storm and smoking cigars. This is after I rescued my brother from the hospital, … Continue reading FLASH! aah aahhhhhh

Talk to me Goose!

Best Quote Ever regarding the recent coupling of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: They should totally play Take My Breath Away at their wedding. Except that Katie will probably want the Jessica Simpson version, and Tom will be all, “No, the Berlin version,” and Katie will be all, “Who?” I totally peed a little from … Continue reading Talk to me Goose!


My apartment smells like 80% of my ex boyfriends. No, I didn’t manage to get them all over for some wild orgy. Nor would I want to. My roommate’s cleaning up a bunch of his stuff so the packers have an easier time on Saturday, and he managed to dump out half a bottle of … Continue reading Stinky


I am officially sick and tired of living life without a car. So on a tempermental whim last night, I braved the credit department at my bank, and phoned to ask how much of a car loan I qualify for. Their answer: way more than I actually want. Dangerous. So now I have to weigh … Continue reading Freedom!

How Indeed?

Shiz poses an interesting conundrum today. She had no idea that it was election day. She knew the election was coming up at some point… just not that it was today. Some of us do not have/watch tv, and don’t like/read the trashy local newspapers. You cannot rely on media alone to inform us of … Continue reading How Indeed?

Happy Voting Day

Today’s provincial election day in Beautiful BC, so to any Canadian citizens who’ve lived here for the last 6 months: PLEASE GO VOTE. You have until 8:00PM PDT tonight. Find your local riding and voting place, as well as registration information at You’ll also have the opportunity to vote for change in our current … Continue reading Happy Voting Day


Check it out, the top 50 things every foodie should do! Admittedly, I haven’t done many of them. Mine include: 3) Dismember a chicken – not as difficult as it looks. The secret is having a really kickass cleaver and a good, strong, unapologetic chop! 13) Learn how to make a dry martini – the … Continue reading Foodie


I had a really kickass weekend away. And now, appropriately, since every action has an equal and opposite reaction, I feel like absolute ass. Happy Monday! Continue reading Back


Apparently this is a good week for gettin’ in where ya fit in. First Devon, then dearheart, now me! I’ve had this particular iron in the fire for quite a few months, and now the details are all finalized. Start date: June 1. Without giving away the employer, I’m going to be working for a … Continue reading NEW JOB!