Hand Holder

This actually happened last Friday, but it STILL bugs me, so I figured I’d toss it on the blog and see if the rage goes away. I was stopped at a Burnaby intersection, in the passenger seat of a co-workers car as we were on our way to a softball game (Northbound on Gilmore at … Continue reading Hand Holder


So I’m doing my accounting homework at the very last minute. Again. And as usual, I feel like there’s a big gap in my level of understanding. It’s very much like learning a foreign language through immersion. You get the general gist of things… but when you go to put the words together yourself, it … Continue reading S-M-R-T


Did you hug your mom yesterday? I did. But now, the allergies have gotten the better of me. I did not sleep. And now I am home. For now I’m going back to bed – but leave a kind comment! Actually, I’ll probably be really bored by the time 1:00pm rolls around, so everyone who … Continue reading Snnnrrrrrrrrrrrk


That’s my batting average right now. Not too bad, considering I’ve never played before. I’m better than most of the girls who’ve never played before – which says something though I don’t know what. Note to self: get a batting glove. I finished playing about 40 minutes ago, and my hand is still stinging. Also, … Continue reading 0.3333


It’s moments like this I wish it weren’t so uncool to blog about work. I could seriously use a vent moment right about now. I’ll have to settle for a Mint Aero. Continue reading AAARGH

Thursday Confessional

I mentioned before that I don’t really dig guys with accents. This still holds true. My brain works hard all day, and when I’m spending down-time with my partner, I’d like to turn it all off and not have to make my brain “work” to hear their words through their accent. Shallow and selfish? Probably. … Continue reading Thursday Confessional

Calling All Ball Girls

Any gals interested in playing softball on Friday night? My work team is having trouble getting people out to play for all the games (specifically girls), and if we default with too few players one more time, we’re out of the league. Which sucks. So if anyone’s interested in playing, we’re in a fun league, … Continue reading Calling All Ball Girls


I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo for a while. Until now I’d stuck with small-gauge piercings, since they’re much less permanent. But I’ve been mulling it over for a couple or three years, and the idea still doesn’t repulse me, so I think it’s time. The problem is, I was planning … Continue reading Inky


I am so tired, I could cry. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. Because it’s a problem when 9 hours of sleep still isn’t enough. I don’t think I’m anemic. I’m exercising. I eat reasonably well. This sucks. Continue reading ZZzzzzz


I am obviously far too burnt out for my own good right now. I completely spaced out on putting on makeup this morning. Not that I plaster on Tammy Faye-esque layers, but I am the type of person that does wear a “full face” (foundation, eyes, cheeks, lips) pretty much daily. Except today. It’s a … Continue reading Faceless

All Access

I’m currently taking an MS Access class through work. Right now we’re talking about Validating Data.

The instructor just said “If you’re doing data entry work right now, I’m sorry. Because it’s a horrible job. It’s tedious, and exacting, and if you make mistakes you usually get in trouble for it. Our job as database designers is to create validation rules that force the users to enter good data and minimize mistakes.”

Nothing wrong with that statement, right?

Right… except….

Continue reading “All Access”


I’m about to make my great escape from cubeland for 63 whole hours in a row. At which point I will immediately launch myself into Insanityâ„¢. For the sake of posterity (and my mind, so it’s written down somewhere, I present to you, My Weekend. Chaos in 3 Acts. Friday Night 5:00PM – Go Home. … Continue reading Schedule