Day of Mourning

Quick reminder that today is the Provincial Day of Mourning for workers who have been killed on the job. Also a note that safety at work isn’t just a concern for those in manual labour or trade jobs. There’s plenty of danger right here on the mean streets of the big city. We are trying … Continue reading Day of Mourning

Minority Report

I’m the first to admit that I don’t pay as much attention to politics as I could. But all of this hooplah around the Federal budget and the potential vote of non-confidence seems to have people riled up for what I think is no good reason. I think we’ve been used to having majority governments … Continue reading Minority Report

Effing Bus.

I’m supposed to be playing softball right now. But thanks to translink, I got a 1.5 hour tour of East Vancouver instead. I used the “trip planning” feature, and asked it how to get from work to the ballpark with the least amount of transfers. It handily told me a couple buses to take – … Continue reading Effing Bus.

Femme Bot

After all the craziness of the past couple weeks, I finally had a day for me and ohhhhhhhh my was it ever nice. Started off enjoying the morning sun and a Frap on the patio at my local coffee joint, then went to get my hair done (nothing exciting to report, I had it done … Continue reading Femme Bot

Hug a Tree

Welcome to the Earth Day version of the Friday Random 10. Remember to sort your recyclables, and get off your lazy butt and walk somewhere instead of driving! 1. Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams 2. The Killers – Indie Rock & Roll 3. The Stills – Love & Death 4. Deltron 3030 – Madness 5. Long … Continue reading Hug a Tree

Do Not Pass Go

One of my favourite concepts that came up during many of the Political Economy courses I took is that of Monopolies of Knowledge. Before you get excited, it has nothing to do with being really, really good at the board game. A Monopoly of knowledge is a system in place that serves to preserve the … Continue reading Do Not Pass Go

Can I get an A-men?

A while back I asked what readers wanted to know about me – and a surprising number of visitors voted for an entry about my religious background and leanings. I’m not a theologian, and I’m not preaching that any of the conclusions, or the process I’ve used to get to them, are right for anyone but myself.

I’ve managed to avoid trolls so far – probably because I avoid posting much of anything that’s terribly personal or terribly controversial. Hopefully nobody will say anything too hateful or hurtful, but I will be deleting any comments I think are unnecessarily mean or judegmental. So if that’s ok with you, my particular position is after the jump.

Continue reading “Can I get an A-men?”


I just went for Indian buffet for lunch. Now I’m ready to pass out from a butter chicken coma, and so bloated I may have to undo my pants (which is saying a lot, because these pants already happen to be a smidge too big). But it hurts sooooooo goooood. Continue reading Pig.


School really throws me into a self-induced state of panic. I procrastinate. I don’t study. I thought after a two year hiatus from classes that I’d perhaps turn the tides this time around and do the school thing properly. You know, read the textbook, study, prepare, etc. But some things never change, and I reverted … Continue reading Booyah.

Don’t Mind Us

I’ve found a new favourite song of the moment. One of those songs I play on repeat for about an hour until it’s totally ingrained in my head.

The song is Don’t Mind Us by local group Sweatshop Union from their Local 604 album. It’s got a great beat, but the lyrics are what sets it apart. It really embodies everything that I hate about going out here. It also demonstrates the fact that the best music is stuff you’ll never ever hear on the radio. I’ve copied the lyrics out below – these guys have the Vancouver club scene nailed. Also, I couldn’t find the lyrics on the intarweb anywhere – so if I’ve made an obvious mistake in transcribing them from the song, let me know.

UPDATE: Grab the song Here.

Continue reading “Don’t Mind Us”