Why is it socially “okay” for guys to be into Jack Johnson, but they’re pussies for admitting to liking John Mayer? Is it only okay for a guy to be a sappy singer/songwriter if he’s also a surfer? Continue reading Question:
Occasional musings from a Left-coast Canadian ExPat in Oxford.
Why is it socially “okay” for guys to be into Jack Johnson, but they’re pussies for admitting to liking John Mayer? Is it only okay for a guy to be a sappy singer/songwriter if he’s also a surfer? Continue reading Question:
I’ve just realized that I left my email client open at home. There it is, happily chugging away downloading all my messages every 5 minutes and promptly deleting them from the server. So I can’t check my personal webmail accounts ALL DAY (despite the fact that all I really get on it is blog comments, … Continue reading Uh Uh the Email
I seem to have misplaced my motivation. I have a list of eleventy thousand things I should get done, but can’t quite seem to make the step from list-making to task-accomplishment. Add to that the fact that I also can’t be bothered to eat right or exercise (grocery shopping is one of those things on … Continue reading Lost & Found
Your Linguistic Profile: 70% General American English 15% Yankee 5% Dixie 5% Midwestern 5% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Continue reading Wordy
I keep seeing little flashes of light bursting through my department here at work. I’ve got my headphones in, so I’m pretty oblivious to any aural stimulation. But the light – I was very excited, thinking we were going to get one of those rare Vancouver Springtime Thunderstorms. Unfortunately, it’s just some people taking pictures. … Continue reading Flash! Aah Aaahhhhh
I’m going to see Margaret Cho tonight, which fills me with much excitement and giddiness. Live comedy is one of my very favouritest things to go see, and I don’t do it nearly often enough. Other than that, nothing much has been going on that’s any sort of interesting. I’m absolutely swamped with school for … Continue reading Friday Random Ten
There are some days I really, REALLY dislike being an hourly employee. Today is one of those days. We have deadlines every two weeks, and today was one of those deadline days. I worked somewhat harder than I usually do for the first part of my day, got my work done, helped some other people … Continue reading Tick Tock
When I came home from work today, my roommate informed me there were a couple message on the machine for me. Nothing unusual. He hung around as I listened to them, which isn’t odd in and of itself, though I soon realized why. Message 1: Someone wanting to come by and view the room for … Continue reading Is Nothing Sacred?!?!?
Tiny annoyance number four-thousand and twelve: Campuses (or other such locations) with exclusive Pepsi contracts. Because it means the only bottled water they’ll carry is Aquafina. Which is demineralized water. Which is bad. Or at least I think so, and there are some people who’ll agree. There are two camps on this: one says that … Continue reading Pet Peeve
It’s official. The roomie is leaving at the end of May. He’s been superawesomewickedcool in every way, and I’m sad to see him (and his large TV) go. I’m also worried that I won’t find a new roommate who doesn’t suck. But that won’t stop me from trying! If you know of anyone who wants … Continue reading All By Myself
A little while back, as I was lamenting about another attempt at love (or at least like) gone terribly wrong, Darren Barefoot asked what is my physical type anyway?
It took a lot of thought to actually figure this out, because I don’t typically think a whole lot about why I’m attracted to the guys I am, I just take it for granted that I don’t find them repulsive, and hope their personalities don’t send me running for the hills. But I figure I’ll give it a shot and give a head to toe rundown of what I like to see in a man.
I had a really great time on Friday night, hangin’ out with a crowd I don’t get to see much these days. But since the ex (they’re “his” crowd) was busy writing an exam until late, I dragged my butt down to the Foggy Dew and proceeded to get shitfaced. I hung out with some … Continue reading And your Mom threw away your best porno mag
Sue posted today about her current dilemma choosing makeup. My answer was getting far too long in her comments, and I thought there would likely be some others out there who may be interested in the answer. When I’m looking for a new colour, I always go to department store makeup counters. The people who … Continue reading Pretty, Pretty Princess
When you’re drinking milk out of a squeezeable container, it’s usually wise to avoid closing your mouth until AFTER you stop squeezing. I’m just sayin’. Continue reading PSA #65484
I’ve had such a little bee in my bonnet this past week, feverishly reading Captain’s Quarters about the sponsorship scandal. I really wanted to link to him, and say that the level of corruption in government that’s finally being made more transparent is freaking me right the hell out! Not that I was worried about … Continue reading FINALLY!