Phew. Blog Fixed. And it took me all of three seconds. Too bad I was at work all day, and didn’t have any of my ftp login information with me to fix it before now. Seems what happened was when my host upgraded their php and mySQL whatchamacallit, my under construction page (handily called index.html) … Continue reading FIXINATED!

Age of Aquarius

You scored as Aquarius. You get along best with the sign of Aquarius. Although Aquarians can be seem very odd, or over opinionated, they are good generous people. They are the humanitarians of the zodiac; they always put others in the place of themselves. Aquarians have a strong sense of individuality, and likewise, can be … Continue reading Age of Aquarius

Music Meme

It’s the new random shuffle game. Shuffle In My Pants. And what better to elevate my mood than tuning out the workplace with music. Instructions: Take the first 20 or so songs in your random playlist. Add the phrase “In My Pants” to the end of each title. Comment on anything extra amusing. Post. 1. … Continue reading Music Meme

Giving In

I think I need to give in to the fact that I may have spring allergies. I’ve been sneezing like a mofo for at least three weeks. For the past few days, my eyes have been dry and hurty (I haven’t even been wearing my contacts). I wake up in the morning groggy and snotty. … Continue reading Giving In

Procrastinus Major

In fine form again, I’m resurrecting the art of the one-day paper. The internet is a dangerous thing, negating the need to actually do any “library” research, and my new best friend Google is leading the way. Whenever I make a statement that looks like it requires some proof outside of my word, I lay … Continue reading Procrastinus Major


Did I mention that it looks as if my superawesomeroommate will likely be moving out in June or July? Well he probably will be. Boo-urns. So I was thinking… I’m not getting any younger, and perhaps summer is a good time to finally move downtown near-ish the beach! Problem is, I’m also feeling very strongly … Continue reading Movin’


There are supply cabinets scattered around the office in various locations. I sit near-ish to one of them. A couple of co-workers just walked past me, toward it to grab something, and I overheard a snippet of their conversation: Co-Worker#1: …I’ve never had to send one before, so I didn’t bother knowing where the envelopes … Continue reading Ampersand

Hockey Schmockey

I predict that Canada will lose very, very badly at the upcoming World Championships. It makes me wonder how much the current NHL players really play for the love of “Canada’s Game” (55-60% of NHL players are Canadian), and how many have been blinded by their multi-million dollar salaries. We keep hearing heartwrenching sound bites … Continue reading Hockey Schmockey


How can you tell I have a paper due? My house is getting more Martha-Clean than it usually is (I washed and IRONED the shower curtain), and I’ve been baking up a storm. Of course, I spent a few hours baking 5 dozen cranberry-bran muffins last night, then forgot to bring any to work to … Continue reading Signs

Survey Says

Ya’ll really want to hear why I figure dating is so damn difficult. I’m totally copping out and ripping this entry off from someone else, but at least I’ll give credit where credit is due. And besides which, Anna Broadway of Sexless in the City has just found supporting evidence for something I’ve been struggling … Continue reading Survey Says

Tibetan Personality Test

Many of the people I work with (considering most of them are barely computer literate women) just loooooove to send around those chain letter emails. Since I was bored the other day, I decided to go through the motions of one of them (the “Tibetan Personality Test”), though I did not send it on – so consider me doomed.

Anyway, one part of the test asks you to assign a descriptive word to each of the following: Dog, Cat, Rat, Sea, Coffee.

I’ll insert a bit of background here, and state that when you drink nearly a litre of coffee every day there are certain effects is has on your system. Namely, it messes with your regularity. I received this test after day 3 of being so sick I could not drink coffee. What can I say, it was on my mind.

Ok, back to the story…

I assigned the following descriptions to each of the words: Dog/Loyal, Cat/Smelly, Rat/Diseased, Sea/Blue, Coffee/Laxative (I told you it was on my mind!).

Check after the jump to see what that says about my personality…

Continue reading “Tibetan Personality Test”