That’s it – I’m firing bloglines as my feed reader. I hope the rest of my readers will follow suit, at least until the bloglines people fix whatever is buggering up their service. Of course, by the time any bloglines subscribers actually get this post of mine, it’ll likely be 2012 and blogs will be … Continue reading YOU’RE FIRED!


Apparently when they say “don’t overheat the magic bag” they aren’t kidding. I tossed mine in the microwave for about 6 minutes (instructions recommend 2 minutes max) figuring it’d just be really hot when it came out. Apparently if you do that, they will burn. It didn’t start on fire, but now the entire apartment … Continue reading Toast


It’s come to my attention that I have about eleventy-trillion emails sitting in my inbox. I’m sorry. I’ve been all preoccupied with this being on death’s door crap. If I’m supposed to be getting back to you, I will, I promise. Just give me a few more days (oh lord please don’t let me feel … Continue reading Incommunicado

Patch Redux

I’ve officially abandoned the patch. The nausea was getting worse and worse, meaning I was getting weaker and weaker, finally culminating with today, a Sunday where I haven’t showered, not because I’m lazy, but because I have no faith in my ability to stay vertical or conscious long enough to get the job done. I … Continue reading Patch Redux

Ridiculously High Standards – Implications

Have you ever wondered why I’ve called this series “Ridiculously High Standards” instead of something less foreboding? It’s because breaching one of these without a strong backup of coolness factor can very likely put the nail into the relationship coffin as far as I’m concerned. As I’ve said already, I’m totally willing and usually more … Continue reading Ridiculously High Standards – Implications

Patch Update

As we near the end of week one of the patch, I’ve got a few more observations to share. It’s still stuck in place, but it does have a nasty ring of sticky crud around it. The manufacturers claim I should be able to gently rub that off with some baby oil after I put … Continue reading Patch Update


As I lay in bed last night, with the bowl of dry cereal on my chest, using my chin to tip dry Special K into my gaping maw, I felt a wee twinge when Darren Barefoot mentioned that he was doing the 30 Hour Famine to help support 3rd world children who don’t have Special … Continue reading Starvination

Silly Rabbit

I am so tricky, I’ve finally managed to fool myself. In an effort to look more like a presentable human being at work, I’ve started wearing my workout clothes to walk to work, and changing into work attire when I get here. It means I wear a lot more uncomfortable, but oh so pretty shoes … Continue reading Silly Rabbit

New Favourite

It’s no secret to those who know me that I have issues with work right now. I’m working on them, but it’s not a very speedy process so far. In the meantime, I’ve found something that makes the day go by MUCH faster. Audiobooks. I really don’t get the chance to read as much as … Continue reading New Favourite


Figures. I thought Napster’s great new “to go” idea was too cool to be true. Turns out it is. There are only NINE players on the market that are compatible with the Napster to Go interface. Sure, you can go download music onto your PC until you’re blue in the face. However, unless you own … Continue reading Smash.

Big Tease

Futile Future Shop is taunting me with their wares. Remember that mp3 player I was (and still am) so strongly lusting after? They have it. For cheap. One tiny snag – they’re only offering it in black – and I really wanted the pink. But I can do black. It’s fashionable, slimming, etc. Black is … Continue reading Big Tease