Patch Adams

Due to growing concerns about the side effects of the long-term use of Depo Provera, I’ve decided to switch my hormonal contraception to the Evra Patch. I’ve taken oral contraceptives before, and the reason I switched to Depo Provera is because I just couldn’t remember to take the pill every day. When I decided to … Continue reading Patch Adams

Standard #4

I can’t call this one ridiculously high – it’s just a standard, plain and simple. Be on time. I was supposed to have a date tonight. We were to meet in front of the bar near my house, then have a couple drinks. I was on time. I waited 15 minutes. I left. I may … Continue reading Standard #4

Feed Me!

My feed isn’t showing as updated in Bloglines. Whyfor? Is anyone else noticing that the last available post from me on there is from March 7th? (That’s like asking you to raise your hand if you’re absent – I know.) Most importantly – how do I fix it? Continue reading Feed Me!


Ola Mi Amigos! It’s audience participation time! This guy I was out with the other night? Apparently I need to go all Sherlock Holmes on him and start asking questions. I have been informed that I need to Find. Things. Out! Problem is, I totally suck at that. I’m a big fan of just talking … Continue reading Participaction

The “Me” Quiz (I think I’ve done this before….)

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF – The Survey Name: Jennifer Birthday: 27/07/1980 Birthplace: New Westminster Current Location: Burnaby Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Various Shades of Blonde/Brown/Red Height: 5’6″ Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Dutch on my Mom’s side, Mutt on my Dad’s The Shoes You Wore Today: 8 Hole black Doc Martens … Continue reading The “Me” Quiz (I think I’ve done this before….)


It’s like deja vu all over again! The people who sign my paycheque are about to change for the 2nd time this year. The investment firm who closed the deal to purchase my employer on the first of the year have flipped us to a major player in the industry. Personally I think the two … Continue reading Boioioioioing


Welcome everyone, to the WorldWideWaterCooler. I saw this phrase somewhere before (and if I could remember, I’d credit the source), and it seemed to really fit my style of blogging. I tend to post stuff that I’d talk to colleagues about around the water cooler if I actually liked anyone I work with (kidding colleagues! … Continue reading Welcome!

Trailer Park Girl

Trailer Park Girl Originally uploaded by peechie. This the “before” of my balcony. Hopefully by the end of the month, once I’ve got some plants going, and the car parts are gone, the “after” will be much more pleasing to the eye, and looking much less like Bubbles is going to walk through the door … Continue reading Trailer Park Girl

Act your Age

Unlike Donna, apparently I am aging prematurely (for those playing along at home, I’ll turn 25 at the end of July). Does this mean I need to lighten up already? You Are 28 Years Old 28 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view – and you look … Continue reading Act your Age


As part of my resolution to make 2005 the year of fiscal solvency, I’ve been re-reading my copy of Smart Women Finish Rich. I highly recommend it to EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD. Seriously though, every women I know is getting this as a present at some point. It’s much too important to … Continue reading Bazillionaire


This sounds like whining – and it probably is – but if you have a potential answer (or just want to tell me to shut the hell up) then please comment. I am a low-level cog is a large corporation. I work with someone else who is also a low-level cog of a slightly different … Continue reading Dilemma